Tag: jihad

Cheney’s costly boast, and…..

Feb. 16, 2010 Author John Dean discusses whether former Vice President Dick Cheney’s support of waterboarding was indeed a confession to a war crime.

Domestic Terrorists Strike Inside US Against Children and Mothers Engaged in Prayer

Hat-tip Chris Rodda for this story; his her piece is currently sitting at the top of the Recommended list over there.  Please help get the traditional media to cover this story, and make sure they call it what it is: domestic terrorism.

Terrorists have struck on US soil again.  All the bluff and bluster of “we’re fighting them there so we won’t have to fight them here” — along with all the idiotic, illegal and unconstitutional surveillance, searches and seizures, have finally been put to the test and found ridiculously wanting.

The attack was by domestic terrorists, the most insidious kind.

They struck, as if on some unholy jihad, against children.1