Tag: Republicans

The Dumb Problem

I don’t mean to belittle the American voter…..


Oh wait, yes I do.

It was after all the American voter who gave us George ‘the Torturer I want to have a beer with ” Bush. And now the have an even better real life Mavericky, POW, Straighttalkin’ icon to be gullible enough to vote for. MOMMY, help meeee!

I know it is not good politics to talk about this ‘nation of whiners’ in a derogatory manner. I know that the American voter is the very model of thoughtfulness, probity and steely eyed common sense that defies and even spits in the eye of the bespectacled elitists and eggheads who think they know better than the down home, salt of the earth “average American.” But these people are scaring the piss out of me. Which is not good when you are blogging in a library.


Republicans are Liars

“I am a uniter, not a divider”

Thus was the first (?) lie uttered, almost like a ceremonial first pitch. George had no intention of uniting anyone, of course. Like all the Republicans, was out to loot the government and maybe start a war or two to prove how tough he was. It goes without saying that if you are going to loot the government you are going to have to tell a few lies along the way. Just like starting wars, it is Tradition for Republicans!

George Bush is a liar.

“And we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons.” Dick Cheney, March 16, 2003, NBC Meet the Press interview with Vice President Cheney.

Dick Cheney is a liar.

In front of the 9/11 Commission, in front of House Oversight, in front of Senate oversight, and just about anywhere else you can think of Condi Rice has lied her ass off. As did Alberto “Fredo” Gonzales. Hell if we had an actual Congress with actual powers he would have, should have, been impeached for perjury. Don Rumsfeld lied even when his lips WEREN’T moving. From top to bottom, the Republicans are bald faced liars, spinners and deceivers, the list goes on and on…(see below!)

And of course, John McCain and Sarah Palin are currently trying to set a record (apparently) for most lies, flip flops, back tracks, prevarications, weasel words, insinuendo, (yeah, I had to make up a whole new word!) and just plain whoppers in a single campaign. Hell, even KARL ROVE says so!

But finally, FINALLY, the traditional media seems to be catching on and willing to call McCain and Palin on their lies. Will this be contagious? Will the CorpMedia now go back and review the last eight years? (or 30, or back to Nixon?)

Republicans are liars. Period. They will say and do anything to get into power and then…..screw everything….and everybody….up. They are not JUST liars, they are also incompetent. In fact the only thing the Republicans are NOT incompetent at is…..lying. But apparently they have even lost that skill now. When ROVE criticizes you for bad lying, you know it is all over. All the media has to do now is to be honest with the American people, keep pointing out the lies and spin, and this election is over. All the American voter has to do is wake up and smell the Bullshit…and the election is over. Heck it is even possible the The Republicans could be over. Americans don’t LIKE lying liars.

Don’t hold your breath, but DO raise your voice and Yell It Loud: Republicans are Liars.

Vote Grand Oil Party! Multi-layered deception coming to a street corner near you

In my neck of the woods, the local Republicans are showing a real green thumb (actually, perhaps green hammer) as there is green sprouting all over. Green signs with a gas pump are appearing with the words “Drill Now! Pay Less! Vote GOP!”

Now, other than the direct linkage of a gas pump and the Republican Party (the Grand Oil Party), it is hard to see any honesty in this poster. It is a continuation of the concerted Republican efforts to mislead and lie to the American people about critical energy issues. It is, in fact, impressive that this sign can be deceptive and simply dishonest on so many levels at the same time.

Country first? It’s party, party, party above all in Wisconsin

West Pointers talk about Duty, Honor, Country.

John McCain's slogan is "Country First," whatever that means.

And Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen's motto is "Party, Party, Party."

As in political party, not wild in the streets.

Van Hollen, putting on his vigilant attorney general hat, filed a lawsuit against his own state's Government Accountability Board — the board created to take partisanship out of elections — in a move that could disenfranchise — or at least seriously hassle — one million Wisconsin voters.

Van Hollen acted after complaints from the state Republican Party that the accountability board wasn't making it hard enough for people to vote. More of the same attempts to frighten people by yelling "fraud" while perpetrating the fraud themselves by denying people what we call the RIGHT to vote. (When we say that, we don't mean right wing.)

The GOP wanted to require every person whose information on the voter rolls doesn't exactly match their driver's license to have to prove themselves at the polls.

The board wasn't impressed by the GOP arguments, perhaps because the six member board — all retired judges — found that four of its members had info that didn't match when voter files and motor vehicle records were compared.

But then it was JB to the rescue, wearing his AG hat.

Van Hollen, by the way, is the top Republican elected official in the state and the co-chair of John McCain's Wisconsin campaign. But he wasn't wearing his McCain hat, Van Hollen says. It was his good government hat. Honest.

Agree? Great. Wanna buy a bridge to nowhere?  

Palin Fatigue. A Rant.

Note from GH–this probably applies less to the DocuDharma crowd, who don’t get so easily distracted by bright, shining distractions

These are serious times, and they call for a serious debate about where we need to take the nation.

–Barack Obama

Now, I admit to having a few guilty pleasures in life. Watching back episodes of “What Not To Wear”. Buying earrings at the Kohl’s in the 80% off clearance section. Getting that chai tea latte at Panera. Doing that powerwalk through Ikea and promising myself that someday, somehow my house really will be this organized.

Sarah Palin, over these last fun-filled days since the announcement that she would be Old Man McCain’s Vice President, has been one of these guilty pleasures. But like all guilty pleasures, it doesn’t take a whole lot of exposure to just get, well, a little tired of seeing it day in and day out.

Echoes: “Country First” and “America First”

cross posted from The Dream Antilles


Cartoon By Dr. Seuss

It’s been more than 65 years.  But the slogan of the RNC and of the McCain Candidacy, “Country First” consciously evokes a slogan from America’s recent, right wing, isolationist, antisemitic past, “America First.”  It’s troubling, and it’s not an accident.  The Republicans might appear at first to be tone deaf. Or maybe they don’t recall history.  But I doubt it.  The phrase “Country First”, echoing “America First”, is a blatant signal to the far right, the very same people to whom the Republicans offered the Palin nomination, that a McCain candidacy shares their extremist ideological goals.

Join me over the jump.

Racist Republicans

Rep. Lynn Westmoreland, (R)(acist) Georgia, is a hypocritical, ignorant racist asshole. How’s that for name calling Lynn? (Isn’t Lynn a GIRL’S name, btw?)  It makes me feel dirty to call you those names, does it make you feel dirty to use patently blatant racism, Lynn? Somehow I doubt it.


“Honestly, I’ve never paid that much attention to Michelle Obama,” Westmoreland said. “Just what little I’ve seen of her and Senator Barack] Obama, is that they’re a member of an elitist class…that thinks that they’re uppity.”

The 58-year-old, Atlanta-born congressman declined to elaborate further, though he did repeat one part of his comment when asked to clarify.

“Uppity, you said?” he was asked.

“Yeah, uppity,” Westmoreland replied.

The audio.

This is the same dumb, racist, hypocritical, sanctimonious, Republican who….well I will let [Wikipedia tell you…

As a U.S. congressman, Westmoreland cosponsored a bill to place the Ten Commandments in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Westmoreland also sponsored a bill that the Ten Commandments could be displayed in courthouses in a historical setting. In May 2006, political humorist Stephen Colbert interviewed Westmoreland for The Colbert Report show segment Better Know a District. The congressman was only able to name three of the Ten Commandments he sought to legally put in public display.

This is Why Republicans REALLY Suck

A fews days ago, buhdydharma had an excellent essay detailing how the Republicans had screwed the country during the Bush years.  But one aspect was left out — the most important one from my point of view.  As I write this, my beloved Minnesota Twins lead baseball’s American League Central Division by 1/2 game over the evil Chicago White Sox.  The Twins exemplify all that is good and pure about baseball.  They play good defense; they bunt to sacrifice runners to the next base; their pitchers don’t walk anybody; they win with young players brought up from their minor league system rather than bidding for free agents; and they do it all with a payroll that is but a fraction of what the Yankees spend.  

But the Republican party is conspiring to ruin the Twins’ drive for the American League pennant.  Because their convention will be held in St. Paul from Sept. 1-4, the Twins are forced to embark on an unheard of 14-day road trip:  four games against the American League’s leading Los Angeles Angels, then three games at Seattle, four games at Oakland, and finally three games at Toronto.  For those of you who may not be baseball fans, this is a BIG deal.  Minnesota has a 46-23 record playing home games, but just a 28-31 record playing road games.  Having to play 14 consecutive road games may well ruin the Twins’ season through no fault of their own.


Are You Ready for Nuclear War?

Original article, subheaded The Mindlessness is Total, via counterpunch.com.

Pervez Musharraf, the puppet installed by the US to rule Pakistan in the interest of US hegemony, resigned August 18 to avoid impeachment.  Karl Rove and the Diebold electronic voting machines were unable to control the result of the last election in Pakistan, the result of which gave Pakistanis a bigger voice in their government than America’s.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.  You can read him regularly at counterpunch.com and antiwar.com.  He’s become one of the sane voices on the right (not that he doesn’t have tons to answer for being a member of the Reagan administration).  If you don’t read Roberts, you should!

It’s The Republicans, Stupid!

Post partisan my ass! That MIGHT be a good theme as a campaign strategy. It MIGHT appeal to an electorate tired of the incompetent,  ineffectual and just plain stupid brand of government they have been getting for the last ten years….you know, since the incredibly partisan impeachment of Bill Clinton by the Republican Congress….

It might sound … nice …and evenhanded and reasonable and mature and responsible and all that. But it ignores the simple and undeniable fact that since the Republicans lied, cheated and smeared (including smearing their current champion when he was running against Bush) their way into having full unfettered dominance of the government…..just about everything that could go wrong has gone wrong and the country is in sad, sorry shape.

Because of the Republicans.

Everything the Republicans has touched in the last decade has turned to crap. From the micro (life saving stem cell research) to the macro (Climate Crisis) the Republicans have had full power to implement their vision, programs and policies….and have gotten it disastrously wrong every single time.


Test Your Right-Wing IQ!

The nomination of Senator John (the “Maverick”) McCain has caused a lot of consternation among our nation’s true right-wing heroes who feel he isn’t conservative enough to fill President Bush’s shoes.  How can we separate the men from the boys (and the women, and the Hispanics, etc.) in the right-wing movement?  The following test is a simple way to do just that — calculate your right-wing IQ and use it to exclude the unwashed masses who are stinking up our Big Tent!

Record your answer for each of the following ten questions.  The answers and a grading scale are listed below.  No peeking until you have locked in each of your answers.  The integrity of true conservatives means the “honor system” should work perfectly fine to score your own test.

Ready to begin?    

Information Overload is Our Main Problem

I often puzzle over whether I should be concerned with our political situation and write about it or just get on with life. The situation often appears utterly hopeless, not because there’s nothing we can do but because there are so many choices and possibilities as well as too much information to process. Human beings are not meant to have so much stuff to think about which is why, as hard as we try, it feels like we are increasingly overloaded not just with things to do but also the knowledge that problems are multiplying faster than solutions. Any reasonable look at the current state of politics shows that every possible solutions to the critical short, medium and long term problems are just quick-fix-its that are designed to enrich some set of grandees. And knowing that, knowing that to put your faith in Obama or any conventional politician is a sure road to hell just plain hurts. We sit here at our screens and really we are in pain and if we are not in pain then we are largely unconscious or enlightened masters.

Information overload is the most direct cause of our political and social problems. The more intelligent and compassionate you are the worse it is. So how do we create a situation where expanding our knowledge can help us rather than weaken us and make us miserable. Other people just ignore stuff that is difficult or inconvenient to think about–why do we persist? Should we?

What we lack is a positive framework to put our insights and realizations into something we can build on. What that entails I’m not sure–but it’s worth thinking about.

But the first thing we need to do before we go any further is to have compassion for those that choose to hide and not think, yes even the yahoos who believe that the Bible is literally true. What if they didn’t? They don’t have the ability to navigate doubt and intellectual cross-currents–they would be swallowed up and driven mad so they survive by ignoring the blaringly obvious contradictions and clear fictions in the Bible (in fact few fundies actually read anything other than carefully selected passages of the Bible). Few of the people who actually vote for Republicans are bad people who are as glaringly selfish and destructive as the Republican public policy positions would indicate–they just want some sense of security and certainty and belongingness in a world that seems to have gone mad. That the people they are voting for actually seek to create a world filled with war, violence, pornography, materialism and hedonism and then blame others is to painful to look at. To seek alternatives that don’t offer them a place with dignity, that doesn’t offend their sense of public morality as abortion, gay rights and feminism as well as “patriotism” obviously is not going to happen easily. Most importantly these communities in the “red” areas of the country don’t want to move away from prejudices and traditions that make for a common sense of community. Generations ago it would have been far easier for them to stay in traditions because contrary information was not widely available–but today they must make a strong act of will to deliberately pull the wool over their own eyes (as the sub-genius movement suggests).

We may not “like” these people but we are required, if we truly believe in egalitarianism and democracy, to accept them and the fact they will not change sides easily or automatically believe in gay marriage or peace. Cooperation and compromise with them is required (and not with the Republican and some Democratic politicians that run confidence games on them).

Second thing we need to do is have compassion for ourselves and see how hard it is for us to swim against the current and acknowledge that just surviving without running screaming into the street (though some of us may do that from time to time) is quite an accomplishment. So we can pat ourselves on the back for a sec and then start looking for a way to use those muscles we have develop to start swimming with the stream creatively and get something done. With that in mind we must understand that inner and outer work is the same and that for that work to be effective we must, must, must be part of communities focuse on building something. Giving each other insights, keeping the information flowing as we have been doing is part of what we need to do but it is not enough because unless we build something with that information we will just get more and more frustrated–we build and create something. For example, building a wiki or database like this 9/11 timeline. There are other kinds of collective actions we could take as well–if anyone has any suggestions I’d like to hear them.

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