Tag: OWS

Occupy Wall St. Livestream: Day 37

Cross posted from The Stars Hollow Gazette

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at livestream.com


The resistance continues at Liberty Square, with free pizza 😉

“I don’t know how to fix this but I know it’s wrong.” ~ Unknown Author

Occupy Wall Street NYC now has a web site for its General Assembly  with up dates and information. Very informative and user friendly. It has information about events, a bulletin board, groups and minutes of the GA meetings.

NYC General Assembly #OccupyWallStreet

Pete Seeger & Occupiers March to Columbus Circle

by Kevin Gosztola at FDL

Spirits were high last night as occupiers were joined by 92-year-old folk legend Pete Seeger for a late night march to Columbus Circle, where a midnight performance featuring Seeger’s grandson Tao Seeger, Arlo Guthrie, composer David Amram, bluesman Guy Davis and others.

A live stream of the action offered millions an opportunity to view the transcendental nature of the moment that was unfolding. The march was one of the most inspiring yet because the repetitive chants were abandoned for folk songs Pete Seeger & others are known for singing. “Ain’t Gonna Study War No More,” “O Mary Don’t You Weep” & “This Little Light of Mine” were all sung by people while marching to Columbus Circle.


It was truly a spiritual experience and opportunity for younger generations to hear some of the best folk/protest music in the history of America. Songs like “This Land is Your Land” have become patriotic songs yet the song written by Woody Guthrie is actually a song for revolutionaries. That is why a sanitized version of the song is often sung. Pete Seeger actually sang the version with lost verses during a “We Are One” concert at the Lincoln Memorial that was part of Obama’s Inauguration.

This is one of the typically absent verses:

“As I went walking I saw a sign there

   And on the sign it said “No Trespassing.”

   But on the other side it didn’t say nothing,

   That side was made for you and me.”

Pete Seeger, Tao Rodríguez-Seeger, Arlo Guthrie, Guy Davis, Tom Paxton, Tom Chapin and David Amram joined Occupy Wall Street on a march from Broadway and 95th Street in the Upper West Side of Manhattan, down to Columbus Circle at Broadway and 59th Street. When we got there, this is what happened.

Paul Krugman says the movement has changed the policy conversation in Washington

Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman celebrates the Occupy Wall Street movement’s ability to refocus the country’s and Washington’s attention from deficits to jobs when economists like Krugman could not. “It turns out that no number of learned papers on how we’re doing this wrong, no number of sober editorials on how we’re doing this wrong was making a dent.”

Trying To Unwarp The Debate

by Paul Krugman

I visited Zuccotti Park yesterday. Michael Moore gave a short speech, transmitted by the human microphone. I gather that right-wingers are claiming that OWS is anti-Semitic; someone forgot to tell the excellent Klezmer band.

Overall, what struck me was how non-threatening the thing is: a modest-sized, good-natured crowd, mostly young (it was a cold and windy evening) but with plenty of middle-aged people there, not all that scruffy. Hardly the sort of thing that one would expect to shake up the whole national debate. Yet it has – which can only mean one thing: the emperor was naked, and all it took was one honest voice to point it out.

As for how the emperor got that naked: read Ari Berman’s article on the austerity class, and its dominance in Washington.

‘Occupy’ camps provide food, shelter for homeless

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – When “Occupy Wall Street” protesters took over two parks in Portland’s soggy downtown, they pitched 300 tents and offered free food, medical care and shelter to anyone. They weren’t just building, like so many of their brethren across the nation, a community to protest what they see as corporate greed.

They also created an ideal place for the homeless. Some were already living in the parks, while others were drawn from elsewhere to the encampment’s open doors.

Where’s Buhdy?

Was just thinking about Buhdy and what he thinks about OWS.  Anyone know?

Occupy Wall Street Saturday 10.22.11

For more Info, other editions in this series can be found HERE

and up-to-date OWS Basic Info is HERE

OccupyWallSt.org: Demands Working Group

A group claiming to be affiliated with the General Assembly of Liberty Square and #ows has been speaking to the media on behalf of our movement.

This group is not empowered by the NYC General Assembly.

This group is not open-source and does not act by consensus.

This group only represents themselves.

Occupy Wall St. Livestream: Day 36

Cross posted from The Stars Hollow Gazette

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at livestream.com


The resistance continues at Liberty Square, with free pizza 😉

“I don’t know how to fix this but I know it’s wrong.” ~ Unknown Author

Occupy Wall Street NYC now has a web site for its General Assembly  with up dates and information. Very informative and user friendly. It has information about events, a bulletin board, groups and minutes of the GA meetings.

NYC General Assembly #OccupyWallStreet


If you have to ask , you haven’t been listening

How to become Fox News public enemy No. 1

Cenk Uygur and “The Young Turks” are at Occupy Wall Street in New York City all week.

In this interview, writer Jesse LaGreca tells Cenk about becoming Fox News public enemy No. 1 after he called out a producer’s biased questions in a clip that made it online, if left on the cutting room floor.

Cornel West arrested as OWS spreads to Harlem

by Justin Elliot

A campaign against arbitrary searches by the NYPD gets a boost from Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street headed to Harlem Friday afternoon in a solidarity march that ended with the arrests of a few dozen protesters including Princeton professor Cornel West – just days after his arrest in Washington, D.C., at another demonstration.

The arrests, which occurred after marchers linked arms in front of a fortress-like NYPD station just off Frederick Douglass Boulevard, were a planned act of civil disobedience.


Finally, here is West’s speech just a few minutes before he and other protesters were arrested:

Bloomberg Says City Will Enforce Laws Requiring Permits

From Kevin Gosztola at FDL

The New York Post reported there will be more arrests of Occupy Wall Street participants, who do not abide by New York City laws for demonstrations. Bloomberg also warned that a crackdown was coming.

The Post quoted the Occupy Wall Street media coordinator Thorin Caristo, who stated:

  “His inability to create a clear and definitive opinion or position on OWS just shows he’s being tossed around like a bird in a storm. We all know what that storm is, that storm is the growing concern in the higher factions of Wall Street, that this movement might actually be making a difference…The mayor’s statements sound hardline and I have no doubt he may actually try to enforce those. But we all know that every time excessive police force is used in this situation the movement grows exponentially.”

The city should not take this point lightly. Use of excessive police force or any effort to disperse the encampment will only invigorate the occupation with renewed support. It will only lead to more marches and gatherings that the police will be deployed to babysit. It will only amplify scrutiny of New York City and its police force by the media and the people of the world.

Wild Wild Left Radio #128 People #OWS / Elites #AWS

Join Diane Gee on WWL Radio Friday, October 21st at 6pm EDT!

Listen live by clicking the link icon below:

Listen to The Wild Wild Left on internet talk radio

AWS? What is that, you ask?

PhotobucketAssassinate World Streets.

I’m almost kidding. They have no problem carpet bombing civilians with drones, or assassinating World Leaders, or sicking the Police on unarmed civilians.

Bin Laden, Gahdaffi, American Citizens abroad, they kill them.

Peaceful protestors trying to get a Real Democracy reinstated, they brutalize them.

I think they are missing the one Real Demand worldwide. We want to rule ourselves, thank you very much, and we aren’t asking anymore.

It should be a great show.

The call in number is 646-929-1264 to join the conversation!

Tip: In order to comment in the show’s companion chat, you must create a BTR account, its free and only takes seconds. I read chat while on air, so make yourself heard.

Miss the show? The podcasts are available at the link above, or at the Wild Wild Left

Join Wild Wild Left Radio every Friday at 6pm EST, via Blog Talk Radio, with Hostess and Producer Diane Gee to guide you through Current Events taken from a Wildly Left Prospective….  

WWL Radio: Bringing you controversial, cutting edge, revolutionary, “out there where the buses don’t run” LEFT perspective since January of 2009!

Occupy Wall Street Friday 10.21.11

For more Info, other editions in this series can be found HERE

and up-to-date OWS Basic Info is HERE

Pete Seeger to March With Wall Street Protesters

The march departs at 10:30 p.m. by Peter Jay Shape Theatre on Broadway and is expected to wrap up at midnight at Columbus Circle, where folk musicians are planning to stage a midnight occupation.

The march follows a performance featuring Pete Seeger and Tao Seeger, Arlo Guthrie, and Suzanne Vega.

Here Is The City: ‘Occupy Legoland’ Protests Spread

More Occupy Legoland Photos HERE

Occupy Wall Street Thursday 10.20.11

70% of #OWS Supporters are Politically Independent

Occupy Wall Street Wednesday 10.19.11

Reader Supported News: OWS Organizers Blast MoveOn (10.15.11)

OWS working demands, 5 themes.

disclaimer: these working demands came through “a” working group, and is not necessarily definitive, at all.  The link came from HuffPo.

I see five major themes to the working demands of OWS.

Democracy/anti-plutocracy (items 1-5, 19):

(1) Public financing of federal elections, (2) nullify Citizen’s United, (3) 5-year ban on revolving door, (4) lifetime ban on gifts, (5) tax code reform, (19) additional campaign finance reform

Health Care (item 6):

(6) Health: single payer, Medicare for all

Environment (item 7):

(7)  empower EPA enforcement, carbon caps, transition to renewables

Economy (items 8-18):

(8) sustainable debt/GDP ratio by 2020; (9) jobs program; (10) student loan debt relief; (11) immigration reform; (12)  close non-essential military bases; (13) education with emphasis on tech and green, fair teacher pay; (14) rebuild manufacturing; (15) currency wars (?); (16) re-instate Glass-Steagall, investigate & prosecute market collapse; (17) end mortgage crisis; (18) one-year moratorium on foreclosures.

War (items 12 & 20):

(12) close non-essential bases, Congressional approval of war; (20) withdraw from Iraq & Afghanistan.

“Don’t Let Me Get Me!” OWS Kabuki.

We need to talk. Seriously. I shit thee not.

The only thing really stopping you is you. You have choices you know. I mean, its almost ridiculous the notions we entertain in order to be “rational, contemplative” leftists; asking if every whack story out there has even a grain of truth.

Lets start with the media that you all claim to distrust if not despise, and how it works. I know its a 4 minute remedial course, but its going to be a fine jumping off spot for our conversation.

You know, the one: An anti-semite, a CIA color revolution plant and Democratic stategist walk into a bar, and ask the bartender which conspiracy cocktail is on special tonight…. and the bartender says…

(hat tip Ria for the video…)

Ok, c’mon into the kitchen and let me grab you a beer, or pour you an “and” (any drink with the word “and” in it), have a seat and lets get to it. Maybe, just maybe, since we all demonstrate for the free drugs according to Rush, I’ll even pack you a bowl of oregano or something… heh.  

Occupy Wall Street Tuesday 10.18.11

Reader Supported News: OWS Organizers Blast MoveOn (10.15.11)

Occupy Wall Street Monday 10.17.11

Occupy Wall Street: Occupy Wall Street Marks One Month at Liberty Square, Occupations Spread to Over 100 US Cities – Movement For Economic Justice Gains Global Momentum (10.17.11)

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