Tag: QuestionCopyright.Org

Understanding Free Content

copied whole, with permission, from QuestionCopyright.Org

Content is an unlimited resource. People can now make perfect copies of digital content for free. That’s why they expect content to be free – because it is in fact free. That is GOOD.

Think of “content” – culture – as water. Where water flows, life flourishes.


Containers – objects like books, DVDs, hard drives, apparel, action figures, and prints – are not free. They are a limited resource. No one expects these objects to be free, and people voluntarily pay good money for them.


Think of “containers” – books, discs, hard drives – as jugs and vessels. These containers add utility to and increase the value of the water. If you can get water for free in the public river, great – that doesn’t reduce the value of vessels. Quite the contrary: when rivers flow, the utility and value of water vessels increases.
