Tag: get him outta here

E. coli Republican, Barack Obama

Ladies and Germs, I give you

Barack Obama:


“It’s the radar gun that keeps the industry honest and if that’s eliminated, we don’t have a program that will keep the industry in check,” said Mike Doyle, director of the University of Georgia’s Center for Food Safety, which works with the produce industry to improve safety measures on farms and in packinghouses. “This is really important because you and I eat that food and we don’t want to get sick.”

White House Office of Management and Budget spokeswoman Meg Reilly said the decision to cut the $5 million program was made after USDA decided it had limited impact. She said it also USDA determined it was not a good fit within its Agricultural Marketing Service division, which is partially funded by fees collected from produce growers.

While food safety is a vitally important part of successfully marketing produce and other agricultural products, other federal and state public health agencies are better equipped to perform this function,” USDA spokeswoman Courtney Rowe said in a statement.

Marketing.  May I just add, what a fucking psychopath.
