Holy Piccolo Pete and my blood-curdly-caked external meatus in the ululating shrillness of the dark wilderness where the straight way was lost! Sending Arthur money was the best hundred bucks I ever spent! I’m actually considering getting some sort of job to proceed with regular tithing to his cathedral of tears.
Obviously, we all owe Matt Taibbi an eternal debt of gratitude for his ongoing savage humiliation of the Nancy capitalists who continue destroying our lives. It’s fair to say he got under the flinty thin skin of these epicurean dealmakers. I bow deeply in Taibbi’s direction for his regular savagery against their felonious assaults upon democracy, and for writing one of the best extended phrases ever written in the Mother Tongue.
However, Arthur Silber rightly castigates Taibbi for parroting the official US/Israeli government lines that “Ahmadinejad is nuts.” “He can’t be allowed to have nukes!” “Something must be done!” If you ever actually listen to, say, an interview of Ahmadinejad by Charlie Rose, you would rightly conclude that “Charlie Rose is nuts.”
Also, if you pay any attention to such news, you would also rightly conclude that “Uncle Sam is nuts,” “The New York Times is nuts,” “Diane Sawyer and Brian Ross are nuts,”, “Erin Burnett is nuts,” and so on. Any casual brush with history would inform you of these elementary facts.
I urge you to read Arthur’s spat-out of Taibbi’s harmful Pavlovian regurgitation of neoconservative crop milk.