Tag: radiation safety officer

Carbon Exempt Airport Scanners


I Lasthorseman worked in an industrial research organization.  My duties included taking X-rays which meant mandatory ionizing radiation training every year.  Radiation monitoring badges collected monthly plus signing off annually an acknowledgement of receipt of the radiation report.  My badge was from this company.  I am now working at another company which has X-ray equipment.  This company mandates users signed up for radiation badges must wear the badges all day even if not in radiation hazard areas.


OSHA regulated ionizing radiation.


My home state regulates ionizing radiation.


Title 21 defines what radiation means.


So if you go to the airport does/is your “Friendly” TSA “Officer” wearing his/her radiation safety dosimeter badge.  If not he/she is “illegal”.

Which brings me to my infamous study on the effectiveness of tin foil hats.
