Tag: chemotherapy treatment

Cannabis Is “An Effective Treatment” For Cancer Patients

Because of the findings of information from the 2006 study showing that medical marijuana can really reduce the amount of cancer cells, medical marijuana patients can now feel good again regarding the relief component malaise largely removed located in the plant.

The link between marijuana and cancer is actually a debate, but using specially designed oil created in the buds of the plant Cannabis Sativa, the scientists confirmed the primary psychoactive plant chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) destroys all malignant cancer cells abnormal abnormal growths in many patients.

Information about the cultivation of marijuana and cancer prevention connection are not exactly known, but in addition, further tests will advise you all that can be obtained in this miracle cure, apparently.

In 2006, the study was conducted with a team of medical researchers in pharmacology from Virginia Commonwealth University and the Department of Toxicology on leukemia patients. The researchers defined mainly when taken daily with a period of time, cannabis oil spills really the introduction of cancer and eventually leads to delivery within the patient – with zero added effects undesirable.

Typically, whenever a patient with leukemia is found in a hospital for admission and treatment, they receive extensive chemotherapy treatment, usually combined with radiation therapy. Instead of considering all possible treatment, including marijuana and cancer, doctors begin using these ineffective, not only cures but also dangerous. Marijuana, however, as evidenced within the study, no adverse effects. It is extremely safe and effective when administered in the clean; the atmosphere seems medically and by oil.

Cannabinoids can induce anti-tumor effects by various mechanisms, including induction of cell death, inhibition of cell growth and inhibition of tumor angiogenesis and metastasis. Cannabinoids appear to kill tumor cells, but do not affect their non-transformed and may even protect from cell death.”

The potential benefits of medicinal cannabis for people living with cancer include antiemetic effects, appetite stimulation, pain relief and improved sleep. In the practice of integrative oncology, the health care provider may recommend medicinal cannabis, not only for symptom management, but also for its anti-tumor effect as direct as possible.”

Alternative Links

  1. Get Medical Marijuana Card in California
  2. Find Medical Marijuana Doctor in California