Tag: Docudharma Times

Docudharma Times Tuesday June 15

Tuesday’s Headlines:

BP ignored warnings and cut corners, says Congress

Anthony Burgess: More than ultraviolence


Concern on Capitol Hill about Afghanistan war grows

Stakes rise for Obama amid oil spill crisis


Markets braced as Greek credit rating cut to junk again

EU rule-breakers ‘should lose their voting rights’

Middle East

Turkish aid flotilla was bringing wheelchairs, toys – and hope

Iraq’s new parliament meets for first time, and promptly suspends


Uzbekistan closes borders to refugees

American on solo mission to kill Osama bin Laden arrested in Pakistan


Kenya MP held for hate speech, minister Ruto accused

Egypt in awkward position on Gaza following Israeli attack on aid flotilla

Docudharma Times Monday June 14

Monday’s Headlines:

White House turns up heat on BP with flurry of new demands

From the bedroom to the Guggenheim: search is on for a YouTube masterpiece


Lawmakers’ committee assignments and industry investments overlap

As businesses collapse, claimants still waiting for checks from BP


Belgium divide deepens after Flemish separatists win election

Army misses a trick as Geordie is hailed hero of the Foreign Legion

Middle East

America leaves Iraq a toxic legacy of dumped hazardous materials

Red Cross: Gaza blockade illegal


Kyrgyz gangs accused of ‘genocide’ as death toll rises

North Korea’s star at the World Cup


Mo Ibrahim prize goes to none

Riot police break up World Cup wages protest

Docudharma Times Sunday June 13

Sunday’s Headlines:

Oil spill disaster: The guilty parties

Belgrade Opens Up With Amps On


Obama pleads for $50 billion in state, local aid

Sea turtles’ breeding tradition threatened


Louvre masterpiece by Veronese ‘mutilated’ by botched nose jobs

Sarkozy gets twitchy as French rise up against austerity

Middle East

Pressure on Israel to lift Gaza blockade

Vital River Is Withering, and Iraq Has No Answer


Revealed: Japan’s bribes on whaling

Pakistan’s ISI intelligence agency ‘supports’ Taliban


‘World Cup is forcing white South Africans to come to the party’

Ex-mercenary Nick du Toit tells of his five years in a ‘living hell’ and why he is ashamed of war

Latin America

Jamaica music lyrics – trigger of violence?

Docudharma Times Saturday June 12

Saturday’s Headlines:

Angry Britons have BP’s back

$2.6 million bid wins lunch with Warren Buffett


South Carolina Votes First, Asks Questions (Who’s Alvin Greene?) Later

‘Tea party’ candidates hurt by lack of organization in movement


Italian media protests over Silvio Berlusconi ‘gagging law’

Belgium votes in election that could split the nation

Middle East

Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites

Israel to set up inquiry on ‘Freedom Flotilla’ raid


Violence returns to Kyrgyzstan as 40 are killed in gang riots

Gates closed out of China


World Cup village transformed with mobile cells and water cannon

Is Obama starting to prod Egypt on human rights?

Latin America

Priest faces criticism for shining light on human rights abuses in Colombia

Docudharma Times Friday June 11

Friday’s Headlines:

Scientists offer varied estimates, all high, on size of BP oil leak

Global spotlight shines on South Africa as 2010 World Cup set to kick off


Outreach program to encourage citizenship for immigrants

Federal judge calls Guantanamo inmate’s detention ‘unlawful’


Officers guilty of 1995 massacre in Srebrenica

Debt crisis exposes the euro’s flaws but divorce is not an option

Middle East

Former elite officers reveal tensions in Iran regime

A year on, the Green revolution in Iran has failed to take root


Workers at Chinese Honda Plant March in Protest

Deadly clashes in Kyrgyzstan’s southern city of Osh


Nelson Mandela’s great-granddaughter killed in car crash

Africa Rising: A big day for football. A giant leap for a continent

Latin America

El Salvador children are the killers in ruthless ‘game’ with guns

Docudharma Times Thursday June 10

Thursay’s Headlines:

BP oil spill: US will ‘take action’ to stop BP dividend

Why it’s standing room only for World Cup VIPs


Increase in inspectors hasn’t kept pace with boom in offshore U.S. oil rigs and projects

Green cards and other immigration benefits face fee hikes


Gain for anti-Islam party in Dutch poll

Tenor’s story acclaimed by anti-abortion campaigners

Middle East

Tim Franks: Is he really biased against both sides in the Middle East?

Iran defiant after toughest UN sanctions


Views of North Korea Show How a Policy Spread Misery

India’s 2010 census considers taboo question: What’s your caste?

Latin America

Colombian ex-army officer jailed for 1985 disappearances

Docudharma Times Tuesday June 8

Tuesday’s Headlines:

Web of Shell Companies Veils Trade by Iran’s Ships

With ‘Up on the Ridge,’ Dierks Bentley stops getting by on looks and hooks


Voters’ support for members of Congress is at an all-time low, poll finds

Rescuers struggle to save oil-soaked pelicans


Capitalism in the dock as Kerviel goes on trial

Police protection for family of BP boss Tony Hayward

Middle East

Israel accuses former US Marine on aid mission of terrorist links

Ahmadinejad defiant ahead of UN nuclear sanctions vote


Thousands dead, their land poisoned. The sentence – just two years

Rare photos of Kim Jong-il’s youngest son, Kim Jong-un, released


How Somalia’s civil war became new front in battle against al-Qaida

Zimbabwe’s new independent daily ends state news monopoly

Docudharma Times Monday June 7

Monday’s Headlines:

The plight of the pelican is the poignant symbol of this disaster

Still Taking to the Streets to Honor Their Saints


At least $500 million has been spent since 9/11 on renovating Guantanamo Bay

Anti-deficit pressures weigh on Democrats


World’s best-preserved gladiatorial relics are discovered in the suburbs of York

Poll favourite may put anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders in Cabinet

Middle East

Israeli patrol kills four Palestinian militants

Who’s Afraid of Turkey?


Seven convicted over 1984 Bhopal gas disaster

China’s ‘cancer villages’ reveal dark side of economic boom


Will foreign workers flocking to World Cup face xenophobic attacks?

Latin America

Learning Chinese in Mexico: Children prepare for the future

Docudharma Times Sunday June 6

Sunday’s Headlines:

In criminal investigation of BP, who’d go to jail? Not the CEO

Deep Roots in Kashmir Tug Hindus Back Home


With oil spill, White House struggles to assert control of the unknown

BP captures 6,000 barrels of oil from leaking well


Angela Merkel: Once she could do no wrong, but her woes are now legion

Group jolts Sweden’s tolerant self-image

Middle East

The hijacking of the truth: Film evidence ‘destroyed’

Iran using Dubai to smuggle nuclear components


Deep in the desert – the gold mine that swallowed a town

Corruption fuels Kabul’s version of Beverly Hills


Lesotho’s people plead with South Africa to annex their troubled country

Zuma’s marital own goal blots World Cup

Latin America

Docudharma Times Saturday June 5

Saturday’s Headlines:

Pelicans, Back From Brink of Extinction, Face Oil Threat

British Columbia’s New Vine Trail


Gulf oil spill could push Pointe-au-Chien Indian tribe to the point of no return

Ramping up praise for Arizona crackdown


Vote on border dispute leaves Slovenes divided

How Rudolph Hess was persuaded to reveal Nazi secrets

Middle East

Gaza Flotilla: protesters’ story

Film about Iranian protest victim Neda Agha-Soltan beats regime’s censors


The ‘Bullet Magnet’, Mick Flynn, recalls a firefight with the Taleban in 2006

Cheonan credibility gap widens


Soccer slums: The truth about African football

Egypt, Sudan lock horns with lower Africa over control of Nile River

Docudharma Times Friday June 4

Friday’s Headlines:

‘Huge inferno’ kills scores in Bangladesh

Glastonbury: field of dreams


BP caps well; effectiveness of ‘top hat’ unclear

McDonald’s to recall 12 million ‘Shrek’ glasses, citing cadmium health risks


What are the Bilderberg Group really doing in Spain?

Eric Zemmour provokes France’s elite with claims of national decline

Middle East

Gaza flotilla attack: Israel ‘considers easing blockade’

Another aid ship on way to Gaza


New Japanese prime minister Naoto Kan promises to rebuild country

Burmese junta ‘is developing a nuclear threat’


President Hosni Mubarak’s party tightens its grip on Egypt

Docudharma Times Thursday June 3

Thursday’s Headlines:

Gaza blockade untenable, U.S. believes

Gershwin Prize event at White House: A really big night for Sir Paul McCartney


BP says more La. barrier island berms will cost $360 million

The Mississippi Delta’s healthcare blues


President Sarkozy named by inquiry into Pakistan submarine payments

Switzerland bans private poker games

Middle East

Gaza flotilla attack: Turkish activists return to heroes’ welcome

Iraq bomb deaths blamed on ‘useless’ detectors


Taliban rocket attack shakes peace congress in Afghanistan

Chinese newspaper cartoon defies ban on mentioning Tiananmen Square


Animals struggling to survive on Zimbabwe’s Starvation Island

Latin America

Cartels smuggle U.S. drug money back to Mexico in cash, study finds

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