Tag: ilona meagher

That Feeling of ‘Aliveness’ Combat Veterans Miss Most:

Ilona Meagher, of PTSD Combat: Winning the War Within, shares with us, from her Blogspot, the writings of another blogger, a Combat Veteran, Scott Lee, a Gulf War I Veteran , who writes about his experiances with PTS and returning to civilian life after the military and combat experiances and more.

Ilona meet Ilana, Ilana meet Ilona – Combat PTSD Research

Teen PTSD researcher Ilana Rice

Why do I get the feeling you two are destined to meet? And by all means don’t change your first names!

School Shooting – Ilona Meagher Attends NIU

The College where todays shooting occured is the one Ilona Meagher of PTSD Combat – Winning the War Within -blog site and wrote Moving a Nation to Care attends or attended!

Congress Vows Action On Vets’ Suicides

This is a Quick posting as I just Uploaded the Video’s and am running around getting ready for work.

Congress Vows Action On Vets’ Suicides

‘Make VA go to the soldier’

Ilona To Testify Before Congress-Requests Help

This will be a short essay, written in response to

request for help.

Ilona explains in her diary /ACTION/ Help Amass PTSD Data For the Congressional Record that she will be testifying before Congress and asks help in documenting PTSD-related incidents: