Tag: 911

Home Again Empty Again

Very heavy depression today.  It was warm, it was summer yet empty floating horsies in the pool made my heart empty.  My primary job of providing firewood and campfires for our group has ended.  The loss of that simplicity and the memories of a pool full of happy kids, not happy today, not at all weighs heavily on my heart.  Yes, Hillary.  Bill Deagle has been in your physical prescence and deemed you an evil entity.  Political orientations aside I too think it takes a village to indoctrinate a child.  I cherish my grandson because he has yet to endure it and I find him pure of heart.


Yes.  Breathing clean air, drinking clean water plus being in an enviornment with lower levels of electronic smog for two weeks is enough time to feel the effects of retoxification on returning home.  I plan to avoid TV news with a higher than usual state of vigilance just to see if I gain more piece of mind when we return to the woods for the second two weeks.

Second Grandson:Casualty of Health Care

Taught my first daughter well as she did the absolute right thing in spite of pressure from her doctor’s office.  We are after all suburbanites so the cesspool of “normal” urban living is at times most offensive.  My new quote.  I am an American and I’m pissed.

“Your America means nothing to me”

Radioactive Cheese graters!

Note the comments.  Was it recycled WTC center steel.


That aside let us look at the subliminals mainstream media puts out or more accurately has become institutionalized into the very fabric of sheeple life.

It is in the very title.


Homeboy Stupidity Department of Cheese Grater Inspectors

The lie of 911 is falling apart but media following the Illuminati Prime Directives continues to foist fascism on the useless eaters.

In conclusion I will imply how it’s not just about Unicorn Flu anymore.

Towards a More Tactical RV Escape Vehicle

But in event of “bug out” due to Unicorn Flu is your RV bug out ready?

This perhaps is more viable than echoing MSM talking points about shit that ain’t ever gonna get fixed.  Besides I need to get back to something constructive.

Second Bilderberg Summit Israel June 8-10

Don’t positively know if this shadow elite the elite group has ever met twice in one year.  The May attendee list did seem a bit short by I am not the definitive expert.  The June meeting is about their manufactured depression.


Campfire Stories

Yes I have been gone for four days but feels like a month.  Did I have fun?  Well yes I had so much fun I’m not going to tell anybody where I went.  Why?  Well because I don’t want Massholes, flatlanders and or any otherwise un-intitiated city folk messing it up for the rest of us.  The Apocalyptic horses went on a trip to an ideal spot.  Trails are straight, surface sandy so we can just let er rip, go for it.  I mean if we’re all gonna die in the next few months I for one am gonna die with my riding boots on.

This country has become full of Darwin Award candidates and my recent wild west vaction has cemented that meme firmly in my mind.  We have a great  “adjustment” coming even if most refuse to believe it.

Associated Press Mentions Bilderburg!!!!

Yet that selective selectiveness that is US commercial lamestream/propaganda media will give you something else like Farrah Fawcet or Octomom.

The verdict is in.

Short depression, 14% official unemployment,25% real unemployment

This leads to globalized banking to “manage” the situation.

Second major agenda, surprise surprise, is a global health ministry with a real agenda not related to health but eugenics.  

Torture Prosecution by Whom the ICC

It is after all THE stellar marketing ploy.  You are so backed into a corner you can not possibly call yourself a member of the human race if you don’t support prosecution of war crimes.  But.

Torture:Duct Taping the Titanic

Ya, torture is bad.  Torture is evil.  Torture is being whitewashed.

So what, I said before the entire thing is a passification/diversion/distraction WMD, issue.

What pivotal event started, touched off, justified ALL of it.

911  911 911

Emergency, Emergency, please to get from street.


Good News

Now that it has been established that Freedom Tower is just too much of an embarrassment.


Maybe they (Scumbag Silverstein) won’t redevelop ground zero at all.  I can only hope.


Scroll down and see Germany bans farming of Frankencorn!  I love it!

I Don’t Pee In Your Toilet

So why do you make me swim in your cesspool?

OK, it’s about media.  And you thought TERRA,TERRA,TERRA was over as a meme?

Emergency….Emergency…Please to get from street.

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