Billions have been spent on these Wars of choice! With those Billions spent Billions were made by many, new multi-millionaires with connections were produced as well as a high priced merc private army and more. Directly and indirectly over the decade of these ongoing conflicts!
Tag: sacrifice
Dec 16 2010
Is Now a Citizen
One has wondered where all those ‘citizen kombat keyboarders’ have been this whole past decade! We know they certainly, nor their spin meisters, haven’t been demanding ‘Sacrifice’ by the Country, instead quite the opposite, their representatives as well.
We also know all the names and phrases used against any who didn’t walk in lockstep with their hollow words of support while they waved that flag of what they call ‘patriotism’, their definition of patriotism. Like this beck recently calling out Special Ops soldiers for god knows what twisted reason sits in that chubby head.
Dec 12 2010
What the F**K is wrong with this country? Wait, never mind I’ve been watching it collapse for the last thirty of my comin on 62 years of my life, Questions Answered!
I just got finished watching Meet The Press and the way over the top extremely highly paid ‘experts?’ mumbling about the tax cuts and who hates who and why.
I didn’t hear One mention of these Wars our soldiers are still in nor the countries need to Finally not only ‘Sacrifice, after ten years, but Pay Back What Is Owed For Waging Them, not a mention as to the Veterans Of nor their Families, the Only Ones That Have Done Any Sacrificing as these tax cuts came with the start of these Wars of Choice.
It came on just as I was putting together a post for my site on a just released report on Family Care Givers of Veterans, and boy there is so much more then just this!
Dec 09 2010
Message to the President, it’s about ‘Sacrifice’!!
I just sent the below to the White House via this technology and will be calling a few times as well:
Dec 03 2010
Frivolity: Dear Dick,
I read this am on AP that you have endorsed the Bowles-Simpson bill – most specifically on changing the SS retirement age to 69. Then said something along the lines that it is unsustainable to spend the money we are spending on food stamps for children for instance. You didn’t mention that it will be unsustainable as well to spend the monies we will spend on those of the working class who will be retiring earlier and asking the government for disability funds. Plus, I so admire the way politicians pit children, babies, kittens, struggling university students against older Americans. It’s so subtle and heartwrenching.
As well, you are onboard with cutting the tax credit for companies offering healthcare. That’s not going to affect anyone’s healthcare, is it? For sure, American companies will not give up their health insurance benefits to employees if there is no tax benefit. If we’ve learned anything, it is that corporations are our friends, trusted, courageous and unselfish. Of course, there is no dearth of employees in other countries, for instance – who wouldn’t mind this – having national healthcare. So good on America – more outsourcing.
I will come back to this diary after I research further but I am having some friends over for lunch and want to begin the festive preparations. It will be a modest affair but I am a good cook so we will eat heartily.
Usually I have a Christmas doing of some kind but this year in the spirit of austerity, I am foregoing it and instead having two friends for lunch. Also, in the spirit of paying my real estate taxes which have risen about 35%. As dark winter closes in on me and the other little old ladies here in the Chicago area – a Holiday Party is really an act of sanity as we face the long, cold winter – more isolated due to the weather as younger people. But look – I want to do my part, as do my other elderly friends. Perhaps you can give us more hints so we can accomplish this. I’ve gone to your website and seen nothing yet as to your sacrifices. I’m disappointed but know you are a busy and important man with many more austerities to research to keep America safe and healthy.
I am leaving for now – but will revisit this diary and make revisions, if necessary. Til then, Dick, I wish you and Barry all the things you deserve this Holiday Season.
Oh, and Dick, if any of your constituents are being crybabies about the 69 yr SS thing, please direct them to Alan Simpson – his sharp mind, his compassion, his love of country – and he’s past 69, isn’t he? But wait – when do your congressional benefits kick in?
I’ll be back after lunch and will change any inaccuracies if necessary.
P.S. — we can discuss discontinuing the mortgage tax interest option which I believe is another option you endorse – what the heck – where are the Real Estate lobbyists?
Dick, I see you have come out and said that you voted for this proposal so that you will have a “seat at the table” when the time comes to oh let’s say – get serious. Your liberal blessing (excuse me while I leave the room to roll around the floor and scream) —
okay, that felt good – gives credence to the seriousness and cover that you and your pal, Obama, give to these suggestions that screw the working class.
Nov 29 2010
ReFrame Wealthy Tax Cuts to Reality – The Wars
Many profited off these two long running occupations and still do. Wall Street brokers and the brokerage houses, Bankers! Wall Street investors directly or indirectly, you invest, especially big investors, you invest with those making steady profits and War is a steady profit making endeavor! The lobbyist of modern times especially for the Corporate Lobbyist! The Washington so called think tanks and especially those running them! Sadly many of the Military and Veterans organization charities especially those running them or on the boards of and companies doing business with them! And many more reaped huge wealth, no bid contractors, mercenary armies that grew, the list can go on and on!
These tax cuts were brought on and signed into existence as we started and waged two invasions and occupations and those continue, as does the profits and wealth from!!
Nov 14 2010
Birdsong — Dear Dick
Dear Dick,
hello, it’s Xan. I haven’t written for awhile but I have been thinking hard about my sacrificial list.
You probably don’t shop much, having the important work of the Senate and the Debt Commission and all of that, so you may not have noticed that bird seed is getting ver (I am shortening words from here on out for the sake of austerity) expensy. While wheeling my cart down and about the store, it came to my limited attention span that bird seed is spendy now. This may be a good place for me to continue my sacrificial list. Thus, no bird seed.
Comes Saturday morning and I awake to the comforting sound of birds singing. Birdsong – it’s a pret word, isn’t it. Then sadly I remembered I didn’t buy any birdseed. Now my yard is not fancy, nor are the birds that frequent it. They are mostly sparrows, little brown things – but they sing their little hearts out. Unlike many of the men to whom I have been kind – the birds more than pay me back with melodies throughout the day and into twilight (I considered using the word “dusk” here in the interests of austerity but “dusk” is such an ugly sounding word. Even “the lesser people” are struck by the beauty of language. This may be problematic for the Debt Commission.) They are not wily like the worm-finding robins, nor are they feisty like the noisy bluejays – but their music can be likened to Bach on good mornings. It made me sad that they no longer came to the bird feeders – it took about 4 days before they understood there would be no sustenance at my house. And so there was no music in my home that was not powered by electronics – a sad moment indeed.
Then it struck me – my mother’s kitchen. How she did I do not know. But no one – no one, even her arch enemy, Mrs. Santangelo, left her kitchen without some little thing to eat or drink. It was like a lighteni blt – it is who I am. I am my mother, especially in her kitchen. To the store for birdseed – where I bought 2 25-pound bags and they came back – lyrical and loud but mostly lyrical. They are forgiving little brown things, kind-hearted and industrious.
So now the dilemma: What can the new sacrifice be? At this point, my two dogs seem to be nervous – perhaps worried that the arm of sacrifice will smite them. It will not, of course. But it’s pleasant to see them paying attention to my “commands” for a change. Of course, as a “lesser person” my commands are tender and tentative – we, like the little brown sparrows don’t expect much, don’t really need that much and will sing for kindnesses received.
The problem is we can expect no kindnesses from The Debt Commission – and rightly so say the commentators – But mostly the tators are without heart or sense for that matter, and even my mother may have sent them from her kitchen with an empty tin cup.
Would you be kind enough to ask your fellow commishes what sacrifices they have been making – perhaps I could find a hint there of where I can make a difference in America’s future. And, by the way, I went to your site again and found no mention of your sacrifices. I know you have been busy what with the losses and all – but perhaps you can put this on your to-do list. “List sacrifices for constitutents’ morale.”
But really, don’t worry about our morale – we don’t look to the Senate or God forbid the Debt Commission for courage or comfort – please disabuse yourself of that. We look to each other and to the little brown things in our life who deliver.
Update: A friend of mine called me and said It’s “Ein bischen etwas.” or so her family said when she was a child – In Italian, I think it’s un piccola cosa.
Aug 26 2010
Oh Really: “the failed stimulus bill” as Related to Veterans
Aug 25, 2010 – Washington’s U.S. Senate race heated up Wednesday as Sen. Patty Murray and challenger Dino Rossi battled over veterans’ care and spending. A KOMO News story ignited controversy after a Rossi supporter and veteran Deryl McCarthy told KOMO it was time to take a much closer look at spending, including money aimed at helping veterans.Murray’s campaign seized the moment by issuing a statement that said, “Following KOMO News’ report yesterday that Dino Rossi’s campaign believes our country is ‘spending recklessly’ on the Veterans Administration, U.S. Senator Patty Murray and veterans from around the state will hold a conference call with reporters this afternoon to call on Rossi to explain his campaign position and define which VA services need to be cut.”
Murray held that call on Wednesday.
Rossi’s campaign then issued its own statement late Wednesday afternoon:
Aug 15 2010
The Costs of Wars Only Grow
There are two very important, and full of real facts, op-ed’s in the San Francisco Gate this Sunday morning that should be read and absorbed.
We hear very little, actually almost nothing, about the present costs, nor long term costs, of our long occupations of choice. Especially by those that held the power and readily rubber stamped what their same political party administration wanted. Nor did they feel much need in holding congressional hearings, investigations nor much oversite, not much heard when reports of billions just went poof nor when private contractors on their no bid contracts kept wasting money on shoddy work and much more, while they held the power. They weren’t the only ones, even their supporters and talking heads readily supported everything they did and didn’t do.
May 31 2010
On This Memorial Day 2010
The Fallen of Afghanistan and Iraq
April 2010***March 2010***February 2010***January 2010***December 2009***November 2009***October 2009***September 2009***August 2009***July 2009***June 2009***May 2009***April 2009***March 2009***February 2009***January 2009***December 2008***November 2008***October 2008***September 2008***August 2008***July 2008***June 2008***May 2008***April 2008***March 2008***Febuary 2008***January 2008***
December 2007***November 2007***October 2007***September 2007***August 2007***July 2007***June 2007***May 2007***April 2007***March 2007***Feb. 2007***Jan. 2007***2006***2005***2004***2003
Apr 24 2010
Forced To Sacrifice: Stimulus
These types of announcements have been coming now on an almost regular basis and not only as to the States leaders but out of the Veterans Administration as to Stimulus money, some with added budget funds if there, being used to add VA Clinics, new VA Hospitals or upgrade those already in existence, State and Federal Veterans Cemeteries expansions and new ones.