Tag: council on foreign relations

So WHO is America’s REAL enemy?

Our true enemy has never been Mr. Hussein, Iran, Mr. Castro, Mr. Chavez, or even (CIA-funded/manipulated) Bin Laden, (CIA-funded/manipulated) Taliban, or (CIA-funded/manipulated) Al Qaeda.

Fox News and Talk-Radio pundits would have you believe that our enemy is: “liberals“, or anti-War protesters, or Mexicans, “communists”, or, of course, Muslims.

Singer Sinead O’Connor once focused attention on The Pope, when she ended a performance by saying “fight the real enemy” while tearing up a picture of The Pope.

A lot of Democrats focus their anger at the “Right-Wing”, but without understanding or without admitting just what the controlling power is behind both the “Right-Wing”, and (knowingly or unknowingly) themselves as well.

Beatles genuis John Lennon was on the right track back when he railed against “The Establishment“, and urged people to take action of revolt through civil disobedience and counter-symbolism (rather than by violence, marches, burning buildings, etc. — where “The Establishment” always wins … as they operate the Legal system as well).

Comedian George Carlin was even more absolutely right on the money when he identified “The Bankers” and “Banking Interests” as our #1 enemy (although even he too could not call them out by name).

It is unfortunate that virtually all Americans know far, far more about the ins and outs of Sports Teams, Celebrity marriages & affairs, or the next   iPad, iPod, iPhone, iJunk, etc.,   than they know who has their own balls locked in a vice grip…each and every single waking day of their lives.


Well I say that if we ever want to save our Country from the looters and the perpetual ongoing Economic rape, then it is then long past the time where we start calling out the Kingpins, and the planners by their names.  And it is long past the time that we also start calling out the associated Think-Tanks and Private Institutions that literally control what is supposed to be the public Government, our Media, and our public Election system by their names as well.

Call them out, and hold them up to the bright lights as OUR PUBLIC ENEMY #1.


So where do we begin?  Well the videos in this Diary contain the answers to who the Robber Barons are.  It is up to us all now to focus our attention on calling them out by name, calling our their Think-Tanks by name, and rejecting to cooperate with any candidates or any policy ideas that come from them, or have their backing or endorsement.

Here we go:

Rockefellers’ and friends Part 1

Rockefellers’ and friends Part 2

The Military Industrial Complex and the Power Elite

Wikipedia tells us that the concept of a “permanent war economy” originated in 1944. Such a war economy, it was predicted, would be one in which there would be a post-WWII arms race. It was argued at the time that:

the USA would retain the character of a war economy; even in peacetime, American military expenditures would remain large, reducing the percentage of unemployed compared to the 1930s.

The concept was also used by U.S. businessman and Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson to refer to an institutionalized war economy, a semi-command-type economy which is directed by corporation executives, based on military industry, and funded by state social spending…whereby the collusion between militarism and war profiteering are manifest as a permanently subsidized industry.

Wilson warned at the close of the war that the U.S. must not return to a civilian economy, but must keep to a “permanent war economy.” Wilson was made Secretary of Defense under Dwight D. Eisenhower, and was largely instrumental in reforming the Pentagon as an instrument for facilitating a closer relationship between the military and industry.

The military, originally conceived as a small order fed by state militia, has now become an empire, the largest and most expensive feature of our government.