Tag: Firday Night at 8


I have a bit of a fever (getting over the flu), so pardon me in advance if this essay becomes rambling and strange.

I rarely read about the candidates for President, whether it be on the blogs or in the traditional media.

I stated elsewhere, in some essay or comment, that if I had my way these elections would be unlike any we’ve ever had.  They would be somber and there would be no cheering and funny hats and souvenirs.  They would be sober and sad, because we are going through terrible times.  There would be a gravity to the national discourse that wouldn’t allow any kind of show-biz breathlessness we’ve all seen too much of, nor the kind of cheerleader as supporter that has made many of us turn away from the dreaded “candidate diaries” at several progressive blogs.

I find it surreal that is not the case, even as I’m aware my view is only mine and there’s reasons why others wouldn’t feel that way.