Tag: State of the Union

Tune Into NPR’s ‘Morning Edition’

This is going to be quick and short.

I just caught a link to a report that will be airing on NPR Morning Edition

Army Blocks Disability Paperwork Aid at Fort Drum

by Ari Shapiro

Audio for this story will be available at approx. 9:00 a.m. ET

It starts out thus:

Morning Edition, January 29, 2008 · Army officials in upstate New York instructed representatives from the Department of Veterans Affairs not to help disabled soldiers at Fort Drum Army base with their military disability paperwork last year. That paperwork can be crucial because it helps determine whether soldiers will get annual disability payments and health care after they’re discharged.

And we get this from one of Drums soldiers:

“To be tossed aside like a worn-out pair of boots is pretty disheartening,” the soldier says. “I always believed the Army would take care of me if I did the best I could, and I’ve done that.”

For now Visit here to read, than Tune In to listen to this!

What Happened to Fallujah?

When Bush gives his state of the union address in a few days, he will probably talk about Iraq and the “surge”, but he probably won’t mention Fallujah.

In 2004 Fallujah, Iraq, a city of 600,000 persons was attacked by the US after a handful of mercenaries from the firm Blackwater were killed while transporting refrigerator supplies to a military base.  There was a news blackout about the siege, but there were reports of many civilian deaths and the use of illegal weapons by the US.

Now,three years later, the situation in Fallujah is still bleak. A correspondent for the Independent entered the city and reported for the paper.  He must be a long term resident, because the city is still under siege. There are 27 checkpoints along the road to Fallujah making it the most difficult city to enter in the world.


Last night I placed a post here with this photo and the letter that accompanied THE BUTTON, and abit more.

A little refresher, THE BUTTON and the letter to the House and Senate members:

January 24, 2008

Dear Senator,

It is with great pleasure that I am able to present you with this limited edition “I am a Bush Republican” commemorative button on the occasion of President Bush’s final State of the Union Address. It would be a shame to let this event pass without a show of solidarity among those who have stood by him and enabled his legacy to be established on so many issues.

Without your steadfast support of President Bush’s domestic, foreign and economic policies, there is no doubt America would not be in the position it is in today. Please wear this button on Monday evening to show your constituents that you support President Bush, his policies and how proud you are of your contribution to his legacy.


Brad Woodhouse


Americans United for Change

Lets See if They Wear THE BUTTONS

Lets see how many Own Up to their Lockstep Support of the Policies Set Forth and they Readily Backed!!!

I received the follow from Americans United For Change.

This is what they passed out to Republicans in the House and Senate and their Press Release.

Americans United for Change began delivering these “I’m a Bush Republican” buttons to all of the Republicans in the House and Senate today in advance of Bush’s Final State of the Union Address on Monday with the message: “your votes helped build his legacy; you should show your support for him by proudly declaring that you’re a Bush Republican.” On Monday, as cameras scan the House Chamber during the State of the Union Address, we’ll see how many Republicans – those who have voted for Bush’s policies on Iraq, the economy, energy and health care – are willing to put their lapels where there votes have been and wear a button with this simple message: “I’m a Bush Republican.” The buttons were attached to the letter below.

It’s official! Dennis to introduce an impeachment resolution for W on Jan. 28! w/poll

Dennis Kucinich, the only presidential candidate to support the impeachment of Richard Cheney, has made it official on the floor of the House!  Perhaps W will talke about it during his State of the Union Speech later that evening!

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