The best part about a cyber party is.. you don’t even have to dress up!

My homespun MovieMaker video/slideshow Debut, a gift to Docudharma, after the bleep.
Nov 01 2009
Not only is it Saturday night, but it’s Halloween!!!! and oh that time change thing*, don’t forget.
I’m disappointed in you people.
Where are the pranks, the tricks? and the Dharma TREATS????
You gonna make me do ALL the heavy lifting around here? huh?!! sheesh.
Aug 10 2009
Crossposted at Daily Kos
Seriously, these are the grassrootsy guys.
The plaster the founding fathers and claim 1st amerndment rights. The problem isn’t their first Amendment rights, but how they use these images to influence the easily deceived to act against their own interests and in favor of special interests.
Free speech is not a problem until special interests try to buy up yours.
Meet the kings of phony astroturfed protest groups opposing change, reform, President Obama and whatever else you got except free market ideology and cutting taxes (for the rich).
How do Joe The Plumber, racism, Republicans, Nazis, Ron Paul supporters, NWO CT theorists, ACORN CT theories, teabaggers, Oil industry insiders, free market advocates and health care opponents all tie in together?
No. Only professionals are capable of this sort of co-ordination.
The stupidity is just icing on the home made Entenmann’s cake.
Much more on this below the fold.
Jul 04 2009
Crossposted at Daily Kos
If you witness a state, county or town fireworks display this Independence Day, you have enjoyed the fruits of American socialism.
Social welfare, public programs and any service that is not performed to make a profit have often been sold to the uninformed, feeble minded and people who do not read books with big words as Socialism. Why, everywhere you look there is socialism. From the public water fountain that does not require quarters to operate, to the fireworks going off over your head this evening, everywhere this Independence day you can find a small bit of what some people call “Socialism” free for your benefit and enjoyment. .
That’s right.
What an amazing country we live in!
Help celebrate America’s rich social history with me below the fold.
Apr 19 2008
Saw this in Thursday’s Boston Globe:
From Samuel Adams’s calls for revolution in the 1700s, to Frederick Douglass’s antislavery orations of the following century, to Senator John F. Kerry’s concession in the 2004 presidential race, Boston’s Faneuil Hall is one of America’s most storied public stages.
But Murphy’s most recent proposal, to substantially raise the fees for renting out Faneuil Hall’s meeting space, brought rebuke from some fellow councilors yesterday who see the brick building with its famous grasshopper watching over the city as all-but-hallowed space.
“I think it should be free,” Councilor John Tobin said. “It’s a public building. It’s the people’s building, really.”
Murphy insists he’s not looking to turn the cradle of liberty into a cash cow.
He said it costs the city much more to maintain the building than it collects in rental fees, currently capped at $150 per hour for a minimum of four hours. Murphy’s proposed ordinance, which yesterday was referred to committee, would increase the maximum charge for renting the iconic building’s Great Hall to $500 an hour.
RUThinking what IMThinking? One hundred fifty an hour? Let’s see, eight hours equals twelve hundred dollars. It was built to hold sheep. Maybe we could bring ponies.