cross posted from The Dream Antilles
Don Siegelman, a former, Democratic governor of Alabama and a good guy, was railroaded to a federal prison where he’s now serving a 7-year sentence, in a case that has Karl Rove’s fingerprints all over it. The case is a travesty and proof positive not only that there are political prisoners in the US but that Siegelman is one of them.
Yesterday, I wrote a diary about this disgraceful travesty because I wanted to keep the story alive. I don’t want us to forget that this conviction is an example of why there was a US Attorney scandal and why investigation of that scandal must continue.
The best sources of information on Siegelman, if you’re not yet familiar with this mockery of justice, is OPOL’s Friday diary on the case, a diary with lots of video and background, and Siegelman’s web site.
What’s any of this got to do with Eliot Spitzer, who has been forced to resign as Governor of New York because of his hiring prostitutes? Plenty.
Join me across the jump.