Tag: Mascots

(Edited: redsk—s)”I, have false historical memory syndrome”

“I never did hear the words Native Americans, American Indians, or First Nations in school. I was taught about the Civil War and Slavery, but never did the word Native American come out of my junior high school history teacher’s mouth. He was the football coach of our team, the “Red Skins.”


I began college right after my high school graduation and took the course, American History to 1877. The Department Chairman taught that course. Consequently, I became so upset at being made to read “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee” by Dee Brown in that class, that I could not sleep for two nights.

Pony Party

This is a Pony Party.  Treat the Pony Party as an Open Thread and the Pony Party will treat you well.  Do not rec the Pony Party, as it may come back to bite you if you do!

“Stereotypical Elements (that) appear… in Athletic Contests”

However, nowhere does the insensitive misuse of American Indian images, icons, and stereotypical elements appear more brashly than in athletic contests at the public high school level in Oklahoma.

Savage Country: American Indian Sports Mascots Part One