The economy sucks! Yes, we are in a recession! No, the fundamentals DO NOT look good for the economy to bounce back later this year (as per Bumbling Ben Bernanke).
As people over the past few years have lost their employment and due to that lack of income have also lost their homes, they have taken to moving into their cars, vans, RV’s, mobile camper trailers and anything up to and including a nicely appointed cardboard box.
Yes. Even a person now living in their Camper-Van is not considered to be Homeless. Their mobile vehicle is now considered to be a home. Only in George W. Bushs’ America.
In George W. Bushs’ vision of America, this is OK. No problem. Business as usual, you know. We have the “HAVES” and the “HAVE NOTS” and never the twain shall meet, right? I mean, they will pull themselves up by their bootstraps if they REALLY want to re-join regular society. Right? (Insert much foul language directed at Neo-Con’s here).