UPDATE: The link below should work now.
Here’s a video everyone in America should see. If you’ve felt like you’ve never quite understood the whole financial “crisis” that occurred last fall, the repercussions of which persist to this day (and will for, quite possibly, generations), this video explains it all in a clear and concise manner.
Elliot Spitzer than goes on to explain that what was perpetrated on the United States, by collusion between the Fed and the very banks that control it, was a massive conspiracy to defraud the United States — a Ponzi Scheme he calls it.
Now Elliot Spitzer’s dick may have gotten him in trouble, and he certainly displayed bad personal judgement by sleeping with hookers while in public office, but there’s nobody who knows the whole NYC-based financial universe better than he does. There’s a reason they were looking at his life with a microscope, trying to find anything they could to bring him down. Because he was one of the few threats to the corruption that has taken over Wall Street and the banks. Now he’s out of the picture as Governor of NY but he is free to speak his mind, which is a good thing. So when he says “Ponzi scheme” people listen.
Trillions of dollars, folks. Trillions, handed to the very banks who robbed us all in the first place. It’s like the gamblers at the casino suddenly ran out of money, so they held guns to the heads of everyone they could find and emptied their wallets to pay their own gambling debts. Watch it.
Hm, well the embedding doesn’t work for some reason. Here’s a link instead:
UPDATE: FIXED LINK (the other one worked before, but now does not):
(if anyone has any tips for embedding MSNBC video, let me know and I’ll try it here. The embed code they provide doesn’t work)