Tag: Volunteer

feel better about yourself!


has the news got you feeling despondent about politics? people?

HELL!! The Whole World?


i’ve got a solution for you.


the more you do it the better you’ll feel

about yourself & your place in the world.


take the jump…….

My Cats have me Hostage. Please Help!

I’ve been taken hostage by cats.

Yes, the Six Ragdoll cats own me and they are FRIGGIN’ serious this time, OK?

They have demands.  I need help, if I am to get out to make more money to buy them food.

They call my house KITMO.

They insist I work each day and bring home the groceries, as long as the groceries don’t include fruit or vegies.

They want you to send money too, or volunteer at your local animal shelter, or they will continue making me go to work each day and bring home the groceries (did I mention that they won’t allow fruit or vegies)?  

It is spring, so lots of new kittens and puppies will be finding their way into a local Animal Shelter near you.  If you can, please donate some kitten, puppy, cat or dog food, or your time to your local shelter.

Tomas to pRes. dick, “We Didn’t Volunteer Where You Sent Us to Go”

If you missed ‘Democracy Now’ today:

“Many of us volunteered with patriotic feelings in our heart, only to see them subverted and bastardized by the administration and sent into the wrong country. Yes, we volunteered, but we didn¹t volunteer where you sent us to go.”