Tag: Madeleine Albright

I Met McCain

(Cross posted at Kos)

Yes, I met McCain years ago.

I remember it well….

The day was overcast but the crowds were bright. People were everywhere cheerful and happy. There was singing and flag waving! There were handmade signs and music! The music was free and joyful and political!

My husband and I walked the streets and laughing people greeted us with friendly smiles.

People we didn’t know offered us drinks and thanked us for being there!

Five Former Secretaries of State: “Shut Down Gitmo”

Five former secretaries of state, three Republicans and two Democrats,  announced their recommendation that the next presidential administration should close the Guantanamo Bay prison camp in Cuba.

America’s collective response?  “No shit.”

Note that the recommendation is for the next administration.  No one has any illusions that the Bush administration will pay any attention to mere secretaries of state.