Tag: Jesse Ventura

Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory: The BIG Enchilada

Broken into 6 parts:







Ventura on Olbermann

Jesse Ventura Body Slams Fox & Friends Over Torture

From RawReplay today:

Ventura takes waterboarding ‘school’ to Fox & Friends

A day after talking about waterboarding on ABC’s The View, Jesse Ventura took his case for prosecuting torture to Fox News.

“You are worried about [the terrorists’] welfare,” accused Fox’s Brian Kilmeade.

“No. I’m not worried about their welfare. I’m worried about what our country stands for,” Ventura responded.

This video is from Fox’s Fox & Friends, broadcast May 19, 2009.

Ventura: Chickenhawks, Cusack: Military Contractors

Jesse Unloads on the ‘Chickenhawks’ who force their ‘Wars of Choice’ yet refused to fight when those before them, their peers, did same! And making sure their own don’t come into the Harms way they have set up!