Tag: Political Ads

— Insert Candidate Name Here —

Check out Front Group American Future Fund’s MO — their Cookie Cutter Ad formula to Buy an Election:

Get flashy graphic, and a menacing announcer;

Cut and Paste inthe Name of the Candidate, your backers dislike and have paid to replace!

Don’t Fact Check anything — make your Opponents waste their Time and Money trying to combat your baseless accusation. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

It helps when the Same Cookie-cutter format can be used over and over again, all across the nation.  That makes their “special” money — go even further, as clearly displayed next:

Corporate Donations Buying U.S. ElectionsCountdown — Keith Olbermann


The Fear Campaign being waged for Oil Industry Independence

There is a battle going on for the hearts and minds of Americans, regarding our Energy Future.

Given the well-funded nature of this Ad Campaign — we probably shouldn’t expect any changes in our “Energy Economics” Future, anytime soon.

The Breaking Point

from AmericanSolutions  188 Videos


“Stop the National Energy Tax.”

 — Paid for by American Solutions for Winning the Future.

Who or What is ASWF ???

Sounds harmless, enough …

First Rule of effective Public Relations Branding:

Do No Harm … and sound innocuous.

Do the Public Airways Really Belong to the Public?

The Current Media System favors the Representation of Corporate Interests by our Politicians.

Since the Media Airtime costs so much, Politicians generally have little choice but to give Corporate Speech an Audience, in order to get Elected. … Helloooo Corporate Lobbyists!

Click to Enlarge Flowchart A

Cry Me A River. Offensive Republican Ads

Today at his press conference President Bush attacked MoveOn.org over their placement of an in the New York Times concerning Gen. David Petraeus. How many times have Republican candidates ran ads that truly were offensive.