Tag: lies

Lie to Me – Go Ahead and Lie to Me

On the eve of a new and historic Presidency, one I have yearned for and supported, I find myself increasingly unable to savor our victory.  We are still at war, still killing innocent people for bogus reasons, and there is every reason to believe that we are not about to stop our militaristic bullying of our neighbors on this planet.  Otherwise we would not be escalating that idiotic and immoral war in Afghanistan – or opening a billion dollar embassy bigger then the Vatican in Baghdad, along with fourteen ‘enduring’ bases across the country.  There are too many indications that not nearly enough has changed.  We are still firmly entrenched in the idiotic war business, people are still being tortured, there is too much money still being stolen and too many lies are still being told.

Yet more “Pet Goat” theatrical pseudo-drama

So, tell me… you’re standing at a podium and someone throws something at you.

You’re not supposed to know this is coming and you aren’t supposed to have any idea of what it is.

Yet, here’s a picture of you one second after the first object is thrown at your head.

So what’s so funny? Is there some little joke about all this that the rest of us aren’t quite in on, Mr. “Pet Goat”?

And by the way, if the objective was to drive this article off the front page of the NY Times… it didn’t quite work.

For those who haven’t learned to recognize this situation as the Rovian propagandist tactic it is, I refer you to my previous diary on the subject here, another here, and another here.

Thanks for the FP, EKH.

They’re STILL reading “The Pet Goat” to you – DON’T FALL FOR IT!

By now most people have seen the video where Bush is shunned at the G20 summit. The first time I saw it, I caught what apparently most other people didn’t. This incident was deliberately staged.

Bush did not even try to shake anyone’s hand. There was no incidence of rebuff. He was ignoring them as much as they were ignoring him.

It worked, at first. The progressive community reacted viscerally, with glee and schadenfreude at Bush’s apparently “new” role at the summit as “The Pet Goat”. What people don’t seem to quite get is that Bush has BEEN the pet goat ever since he sat down to read it to a classroom full of children on September 11th.

What you should be asking yourself instead is how many of those people were still willing to shake Bush’s hand after he invaded Iraq? In fact, how many of them are fully complicit either by assistance or inaction in the war crimes of the Bush administration?

The answer is ALL OF THEM. This incident was designed to attach all of the world’s rage and frustration directly to Bush, “The Pet Goat”. So when Bush goes away, so does all the reason for the frustration and rage, right? WRONG.

Don’t Cry For Me Wasilla


It won’t be easy, you’ll think it strange

When I try to explain the Bush Doctrine

and the reason I fired Walt Monegan

You won’t believe me

All you will see is a girl you once knew

Wearing lipstick and a flag pin

Shooting wolves and hunting caribou

I wanted it to happen, but then I changed

Couldn’t build that bridge after all

Saying thanks but no thanks

Keeping my earmarks

So I chose Jesus

Banning books, preaching abstinence too

Until my unmarried daughter

Got knocked up in high school  

Don’t cry for me Wasilla

The truth is not as important

As my election

My mad insistence

That Russia’s nearness

Means foreign experience

As for fortune, and as for fame

John McCain invited me in

And it seems to the world they are all I desire

They are illusions

Just like the oil pipeline and energy supply

Polar bears are not endangered

Everything I say is a lie  

Don’t cry for me Wasilla

The truth is not as important

As my election

My mad insistence

That Russia’s nearness

Means foreign experience

Have I lied too much?

There’s nothing more I can think of to say to you

Because my handlers haven’t coached me enough

I can’t give an interview

A tendency to lie will be her undoing: Palin on video Oct. 2007

It is her facility in lying, her habit of lying, that is so bad. It’s second nature to Palin, self-professed Christian, to lie when convenient, when it would get her people’s sympathy or votes or good opinion.

Lying is perhaps the biggest liability for the “pistol packin mama.” Her tendency to rewrite her own history to gain advantage. She’ll get tripped up in debates when she does this. It’s her habit, as seen in interviews she’s given prior to her getting tapped by McCain.

Before long she’ll be forced by revelations to come out and say it was due to media glare, please feel sorry for me! Alas, that will be yet another lie. But she is now deeply trapped in the lies she has told us so convincingly.

Will America be fooled? It is not just recent behavior under the glare of the national media as VP candidate. Interviews prior to her selection, and from 2007, show that her lying behavior is ingrained and pervasive, as easy as flipping the mooseburgers.

A new round of nuclear lies

Original article by John Pilger via socialistworker.org and originally published in the Guardian.  Subheaded: A look at the “progression of lies” surrounding the August 6, 1945, dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima provides insight into how those lies are being repeated for new wars today.

Sponsors Matter – 23 July 2008

I guess this is Episode I or Volume I or whatever. I don’t know about the rest of you but I’m well past outrage. That tank ran empty a ways back. I had hopes for Obama and the Constitution but I guess I’m just stuck with an over-fondness for basic human rights. Meanwhile, the propaganda machine goes on spewing its excrement everywhere and it’s gotten so that you just can’t avoid it anymore. Bottomline, like we used to say back in the day, there is some shit I will not eat!

I volunteered in an earlier response to an FP essay today to record O’Reilly tonight and compile a list of his sponsors with contact info. The idea is that we can share that input to output our feelings to the Uhmerican and otherwise corporations that pay Fox News Corpse and its deviant trolls to display their ignorance and arrogance whilst spewing their excremental effluence. (Run that one by BillO for translation.)

So, apologies for missing the first set of commercials (I’ll be taping the 11:00 re-run and will UPDATE if someone out there can pass along the secret of how to do that.) The commercials went like this:

8:12 EDT

DirectTV   directtv.com

ExxonMobil   exxonmobil.com

BMW   bmwusa.com

Capital One capitalone.com

Keep reading and writing and calling, please:

From politics of hope to politics as usual

An editorial from http://socialistworker.org: http://socialistworker.org/200…

FED / BushCo – I swear to GOD, the economy is pretty good!


You are going to fall off your chair, spit your coffee on your screen, tear out your hair or maybe just go sit in a corner and blubber a bit once you read this. By going forward, you have to sign a contract saying you won’t sue me or send big mean people over to beat my ass for being the messenger for the audacity of the lying liars that comes after.

Your Name_________________________________________________

Ok, if you have signed, you may read on.

Guess what our buddies at the Fed are saying just now?  Food, medical, gasoline, legal and illegal drugs; everything you purchase right now is more expensive by an incredible amount that it was just a year ago.  6 months ago.  In the case of gasoline, Yesterday.

The Day After Memorial Day

With all due respect to those who serve in the armed forces, we owe it to them to ask hard questions about the sacrifices demanded of them and their families.

It’s fine and good and perfectly appropriate for us to honor our dead, but if we allow ourselves to be whipped into a patriotic frenzy every time some yahoo waves a flag it can serve to legitimize the military enterprise – and that is the point I wish to make.  The military enterprise is not legitimate.


Let Us Not Talk Falsely Now

“There must be some way out of here,” said the joker to the thief, “There’s too much confusion, I can’t get no relief.  

Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth, None of them along the line know what any of it is worth.”

“No reason to get excited,” the thief, he kindly spoke,

“There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.

But you and I, we’ve been through that, and this is not our fate, So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late.”

All along the watchtower, princes kept the view

While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too.

Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl,

Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl.

Bob Dylan – All Along the Watchtower


I hope you don’t live near the Great Lakes

Unfortunately, more than nine million Americans do.  

This from Think Progress:

CDC blocked release of ‘alarming’ environmental report.

The Center for Public Integrity reports today that “for more than seven months, the nation’s top public health agency has blocked the publication of an exhaustive federal study of environmental hazards in the eight Great Lakes states” because of “alarming information” about “elevated infant mortality and cancer rates” potentially threatening “more than nine million” Americans. In July, just days before the report was to be released, the Center for Disease Control “withdrew it, saying that it needed further review.”

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