Tag: Jimmy Buffett
Jan 26 2011
got a guess?
Apr 10 2010
Original v. Cover — #20 in a Series
The story this week is as much about a great songwriter/performer, as well as a song that has proven to be one of the most versatile ever. Despite the lengthy number of cover versions presented this week, the variety of interpretations was too great to reduce the list further. No matter what your musical tastes might be, you’re likely to hear at least one that you like. His music continues to be performed in styles as diverse as pop, gospel, blues and rock. In 1951, Tony Bennett, accompanied by the Percy Faith orchestra, recorded a cover version of another of this songwriter’s works, which remained on the Billboard Magazine charts for twenty-seven weeks, peaking at #1.
Apr 27 2008
Sunday Morning Over Easy
Crossposted just for fun, from WWL
Today, I want to open by honoring my favorite Deity.
When the Flying Spaghetti Monster makes Rolling Stone Magazine for the Second Time, you have to know there is intelligent life on Earth. (Images from their site, please visit there!)
Is it any wonder when Jimmy Buffett moved from Alabama (a place with notoriously low emissions) he quit singing about Pirates?
In fact, a move to high carbon emission Florida got Buffett singing about Volcanoes. Coincidence? I think not.
…and I quote Pastafarian scripture:
“You may be interested to know that global warming, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are a direct effect of the shrinking numbers of Pirates since the 1800s.”
Sunday Morning Over Easy music choice below the fold.