Tag: John Prine

You Got Gold

World Without Tears

I’ve been feeling mournful of late.  Can’t say why.  Well I could but you don’t have all day.  Let’s just say things are catching up with me:  torture, war, theft, lies, fraud, corruption, joblessness, homelessness and doing nothing in the face of ecological disaster.

What a shame that we remain at war without reason.  Shame on us.

And what a shame that we continue to blunder down the path to biospheric disaster defying all logic and denying all science.

What is wrong with us?

There are at least two wars ongoing that our government could stop, and would, if they had an ounce of moral fiber…or a lick of sense.


The Case of Little Dutch Big Dutch (My Story – Part III)

Note:  I got a little out of sequence with this series and published Part IV – Love and Death in Colombia before this Part III.  This one gets me back on track sequence-wise and sets the stage for Part V.  

Links to the other parts of this series:

This is my story – I hope that it finds you (Part I)

Wear Your Love Like Heaven (My Story – Part II)

Love and Death in Colombia  (My Story – Part IV)

First, so as to set the mood, I present to you a tender love ballad by John Prine and sung here with Iris DeMent called In Spite of Ourselves.

Now for something completely different: Prime John Prine

I found this in my email inbox this week, and it was too good not to share:

John Prine TV!?!?

“What is John Prine TV?”

JP TV is a video player that hosts a collection of our favorite videos of John and some of his musical cronies. There is a ton of classic Prine footage on it, and as we find more videos, we’ll be adding them.

“What exactly will I find there?”

On it you’ll find clips of John duetting with Iris Dement and Nanci Griffith, doing “Angel From Montgomery” on the edge of a placid lake (“Lake Marie” maybe?), or sitting around a kitchen table just playin’ for some friends, and a whole lot more. Whether it’s John in front of ten friends or in front of 10,000 strangers, you will find John in some of the intimate settings as well as some of the most grand.  

I have failed in my efforts to embed the video, but this link will take you to a collection of 20 John Prine videos, which just keep playing one after another.

Do yourself a favor and Give it a click.