(Happy Christmas, Kyoko
Happy Christmas, Julian)So this is Christmas
And what have you done
Another year over
A new one just begun
And so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear ones
The old and the youngA very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let’s hope it’s a good one
Without any fearAnd so this is Christmas
(War is Over)
For weak and for strong
(if you want it)
The rich and the poor ones
(War is Over)
The road is so long
So happy Christmas
(War is Over)
For black and for white
(if you want it)
For yellow and red ones
(War is Over)
Let’s stop all the fight
(now)A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let’s hope it’s a good one
Without any fearAnd so this is Christmas
(War is over)
And what have we done
(if you want it)
Another year over
(War is Over)
And a new one just begun
And so this is Christmas
(War is Over)
And we hope you have fun
(if you want it)
The near and the dear ones
(War is Over)
The old and the young
(now)A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let’s hope it’s a good one
Without any fearWar is over
if you want it
War is over
nowHappy Christmas
Tag: Peace
Dec 24 2009
Christmas Eve…
Dec 03 2009
I Am The Lord Thy God, & You Fuckers Have Every Part of It Wrong.
ONE: ‘You shall have no other gods before Me.‘
God. Good. Love. Is that REALLY your God, people? Are you honoring my request?
No. You are putting money before me, power before me, and every other God before me, including the Message I gave other people.
You are more obsessed with THEIR god, than your own contract with me. I told you NOT to put their Gods before Me, just as I told them not to put your God before Me.
Mind your business with yourself and Me. Mind not Atheists either, you are making their lack of God more important than your relationship with me. Perhaps I am already IN THEM directly. It is NOT your business.
Mind Yourself, and what I think of you.
Nov 28 2009
Nationwide protests this week against Afghanistan escalation (UPDATE)
It’s about time for a substantial anti-war movement to start in this country – and with Obama probably announcing an escalation of 34,000 troops to Afghanistan (in addition to the 20,000 he already sent), there is no better time than now. A leading anti-war organization, World Can’t Wait, is holding protests around the nation.
Throughout next week, there will be protests in (this list will probably include more cities by the time the protests start – and you can always organize a protest yourself!):
Nov 17 2009
Fighting War on the Backlines
We often gauge a war by who conquers whom, and look to which army stands at the gates when the fighting ends. We talk about insurgents and militias and which warlords control what parts of the globe. So often, we fail to see the distinction between winning the war and creating the peace.
When we look at the outcome of war, we talk about property damage, refugee camps, monetary cost, number wounded, and how many people died. We rarely mention life. If our goal is to overcome anti-American extremism, we have to talk about how people live. How do people survive in the midst of war? How do they rebuild their communities?
An army can win a war on the frontlines, but creating a peace takes a backline effort — work that our government cannot do as a unilateral occupying force. This is work that must be done in the non-profit sector by active people like us. Winning the peace is a matter of empowering the survivors of war in their everyday lives.
Winning the peace is a matter of ecojustice.
Nov 11 2009
Reclaiming November 11 for peace
Across the country, there’s a movement quietly taking shape to reclaim November 11 as a day of peace.
What is now called Veterans Day was originally designated in the US as Armistice Day, the day that World War I ended at 11 a.m. on 11/11. In the UK and elsewhere, it is also known as Remembrance Day or Poppy Day.
Nov 09 2009
Prepare to nonviolently resist Afghanistan strategy
By Jeff Leys
Co-Coordinator, Voices for Creative Nonviolence
This past Wednesday, Admiral Mullen (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) announced that the Pentagon will seek additional war funds for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars in 2010. While he did not give a firm dollar amount, the New York Times reported that defense budget analysts are kicking around the number of $50 billion. The Times also
reported that Jack Murtha, Chair of the Defense Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, indicated on October 30 that he expects the supplemental spending bill for 2010 to be in the range of $40 billion. The final dollar amount won’t be known until the White House submits its “emergency” supplemental spending request to Congress, most likely around February 2.
In the immortal words of Coach Vince Lombardi: “What the hell is going on out there?”
We should be so lucky if it were a simple matter of the Green Bay Packers screwing up the power sweep.
Instead, it’s a matter of the Obama Administration now leading us down the path of the most expensive year in war funding since President Bush began the so-called “Global War on Terror” (now morphed into the “Overseas Contingency Operations” under President Obama).
Nov 04 2009
Peace too ‘political’ for Veterans Day parade
When is a veteran not a veteran?
When he or she is a Veteran for Peace, according to the committee which runs Milwaukee’s Veterans Day parade.
According to the committee’s logic, inviting non-veteran politicians to march in the Veterans Day parade is not political, but having the word “peace” in an organization’s name is.
Members of Veterans for Peace have again been barred from participation in Milwaukee’s Veterans Day Parade, although the parade website says the event is “Honoring all Americans who have served.”
The committee has refused to allow Veterans for Peace members – many of whom are combat veterans with Purple Hearts – from taking part in the observance on Saturday, Nov. 7, saying Veterans for Peace is “a politically motivated group,” and therefore not welcome.
So much for “honoring all Americans who have served.”
Chapter 102 members (I am one) did not ask to participate in the parade to make a political statement, but to take our rightful place in the annual event saluting all who served our country in uniform.
Yet the committee, which finds us “political,” invites non-veteran politicians — Scott Walker, Gwen Moore, Tom Barrett — to march in the parade, and welcomes veterans groups which are outspoken in support of military action and war.
The committee’s reply, from Chairman David Drent, said,
“There is no doubt that your organization is a politically motivated group. One visit to the organization’s website makes your views perfectly clear.
“We don’t make judgment on your purpose. End the war or escalate it carries the same weight with the board. A political statement is being made and there is no room in the parade for it.”
“We thank you for your service in our Armed Forces, but our goal has always been to have a day of honor that is 100% politically free.”
The committee’s decision was unanimous, he said.
Oct 28 2009
Wednesday Music; for Jill and for Adam
Jill Richardson runs La Vida Locavore, a blog about food. Jill writes her heart out about the politics of food safety, and her blog has attracted gardeners and farmers and people like me, who write there too sometimes.
Jill’s brother died last year. He was in his 20’s. Jill posted an essay late this evening about Adam, about how this would have been his birthday. “What can I give him?” she wrote.
Jill’s essay is here: http://www.lavidalocavore.org/…
Adam died when he was 23. Jill’s essay is painful and beautiful.
I went to a concert the other day and I couldn’t stop thinking about him. He was so into music and he knew so much about it. He would have been happy I was going to a concert.
Below the jump is the music I posted over there. A moment of silence for a fellow blogger, please.
Oct 21 2009
Dude! Where’s My Revolution?!

Dude, now like the cat is out of the bag and like we know everyone but ‘conservatives’ and old people just want to have fun, I think you’ll see more top-of-the-line revolutionaries come out of the closet of stonerdom and, you know, not be afraid to have our revolutionary fervor tempered by a joint or two on the way to the big protest march or strategic infrastructure demolition.