Want to write a Guest op-ed for Juan Cole’s blog, Informed Comment?
I just received an email from him which he sent to the LBAN (Liberal Blog Ad Network) group list.
He makes a generous offer to help drive more traffic to LBAN blogs.
I’d like to help out other members of this group, and it occurred to me that one way to do it would be to print guest op-eds with link backs.
He’s looking for 750-word essays – particularly critiques of the McCain campaign.
I originally thought I might just link to some stories at other Lban blogs, but finding ones appropriate to what I usually talk about is not easy.
Since we’re in the presidential campaign season, though, and since I post on general politics in addition to foreign policy, actually the appropriateness issue is less salient right now. Most of us are probably commenting on the campaign in one way or another. I’m especially interested in a range of critiques of the McCain campaign.
Those of you who have books are welcome to suggest a short essay related to the book, and if I like it for my site we can put in the Amazon link.