In the microcosm that is my world people have come to my aide. Why, because they love me. In two days massive progress has been made on cleaning up my second floor apartment. My grandson delighted at the view from the second floor porch window.
When I am/was, not busy at work building stuff to support world known scientists I can also sweat copper pipes, run 14/3 romex, service my oil burner nozzle and skim coat over holes in plaster walls. I have come to view the cheapening of building trade practices and materials and codes as another sub program in the Illuminati Plan to Destroy America. No better example than Boston’s own Big Dig.
They talked about extending my “retirement” to give me time to train my replacement. That might be appealing at first glance as it would/might put the lump sum severance package into the new IRS tax year. Then I thought about it.
I would be giving energy to the dark side of the force.
We sat, him and I and marveled from an elevated perch. Grampy’s truck, Daddy’s truck, Grampy pool and Grampy’s camper could all be see from a different perspective. Childhood innocence can be so wonderful until it’s used against the child. I am getting to old to be doing the work of twenty something tradesmen but honest labor has made me feel really good.
Does it, can we generate our own positive space in the world?
My flowers…
were alive with bees.…
Don’t give “it” energy. By “it” I mean any one of the manufactured “issues” currently being used to end America.
The global war on “terror”.
The global tax on energy use
The building of the surveillance structures that will be used against my grandson.