Tag: Obama

The Protesters .vs. Sen. Lindsey Graham

So, I’ve seen some comments here and elsewhere (DKos) that mock the people calling out and protesting against the crooked GOP agenda of Lindsey Graham (and the Elitist pro-Establishment interests that he represents).

But you all should be rooting for the protesters here, and not accepting the U.S. Media line that the status-quo GOP agenda is somehow to be perceived as less “extreme”.

For it is the well heeled LindseyGraham-GeorgeBush-RushLimbaugh Republicans who are the fascists, the Human Torture enthusiasts, the buddies of the Wall Street crooks, the racists, and the War Mongering World Empire murderers — not the people shouting out in protest at Lindsey Graham.

The protesters of Lindsey Graham, who Graham himself decries for calling Bush a “War Criminal” (which of course he is), are largely Libertarians and old-school Constitutional Republicans that disapprove of the GOP War and Wall Street agenda.



War is Peace


The Nobel committee has done the Orwellian Swing by awarding the world’s chief war monger the Nobel Peace Prize. While perhaps there were reasons for the Prize connected with hope – there is a hope for peace with Obama, the facts on the ground suggest the Norwegians have not been paying attention.

On Learning To Love Homegrown, Or, Baucus’ Fundraising Considered

So we are now finding out the answers to some of our questions about which members of Congress actually represent We, the People…and which ones represent, Them, the Corporate Masters.

We have seen a Democratic Senator propose a policy that would put people in jail for not buying health insurance and a Democratic President who has taken numerous public beatings from those on the left side of the fence for his inability to ram something through a group of people…and yes, folks, the entendre was intentional.

But most of all, we’ve been asking ourselves: “why would Democratic Members of Congress who will eventually want us to vote for them vote against something that nearly all voting Democrats are inclined to vote for?”

Today’s conversation attempts to answer that question by looking at exactly how money and influence flow through a key politician, Montana’s Senator Max Baucus-and in doing so, we examine some ugly political realities that have to be resolved before we can hope to convince certain Members of Congress to vote for what their constituents actually want when it really counts.

IOC Says BOHICA* to Obama

The BRIC’s Don’t Want No Pricks

The International Olympic Committee in a stunning display on the increasing prominence of the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China) delivered a massive smackdown of the now obvious (to all but Murkans) illusionary American economic might of the Ponzi Wall Street machine when Chicago was eliminated from hosting the Olympics. This despite the Pope of Hope’s pilgrimage to Copenhagen, one of those damned Eurpoeen (sic) Socialist countries to pander for the awarding of the 2016 games to the Windy City where the inconvenience would totally fuck thousands of people trying to get to work for weeks like in Atlanta in 94….not that it matters, by then at the rate we are going thanks to the three headed monster of Geithner-Summers-Bernanke nobody will have fucking jobs anyway as the monthly unemployment figures (cooked as they are) only go up and Americans are on the road to serfdom and poverty.

F$%k Obama if he doesn’t FIGHT for The People

    I posted these posts as comments in a diary over at Orange because I am researching something ugly and I am mad as hell.

Anyone who can share some insight or optimism I am missing today or talk me down is welcome and encouraged to do so, and anyonne who wants to howl along with me is welcome all the same.

(((Deep Breath)))


Obama promised change, he should have promised

not to fuck things up any worse.

We expected change, as in BIG CHANGE, not just working around the edges.

So if Dems just hold the ground and the GOP takes us back a step we will never get anywhere. Obama needs to challenge the moneyed powers if he wants change to happen. Without that, NOTHING changes, or at least not enough to change things fundamentally.

He promised a lot, so I expect a lot.

Fact is, ~~~, WE’RE informed, the electorate isnt

and people read into vague promises what they want to.

Obama could do nothing and still be better than Bush, and as the GOP goes Batshit, it gives Dems cover to suck ass and still seem better by comparison.

Meanwhile I see this pattern where the GOP/Conservatives (R+D) wreck shit and Dems just hold the ground or move things around on the edges.

Look at the Public Option! Are we to believe Obama when it is gone, HCR is signed without it, and he says “Oh Well, I wanted it, but . .  .”

So we get Iraq when NO ONE wants it, and we can’t get a PO when MOST of us want it?

And then I read about the C Street Family and their Free Market Corporatism wrapped in Jeebus and I’m supposed to believe that Dems and Repukes are in it on both sides but the middle class ISN’T being fed to thee machine?

Change would be drastic, change would be meaningful, by not attacking the GOP for their glaring faults and only settling for changiness Obama is signaling that he is just another politician, and if so, he IS NOT bringing Change We Can Believe In.

If HCR is a bailout for Insurance CEO’s it will prove to me that the whole system is bought off to the last man, other than a few Progressives in Congress. If Obama considers change not being as bad as Bush you or I could have done that!

Worse, if Bush/Cheney DO go scot free, it will prove to me that there ARE two sets of rules, one for Politicians, the Wealthy and the Celebrities and another for everyone else.

That means there is no rule of law, there is NO JUSTICE, just the Pirate Code, Steal what you can while you can and if you get caught have a good alibi. People worried about fascism under Bush, why did we think it was going to go away or stop now that someone with promises WE like is in charge?

Promises mean jack shit. I want RESULTS

if change = 5-10% and NOT 50-100% it ain’t exactly change, is it?

Further, I fucking mean it when I say if they feed me a Sh!t sandwich on HCR I’ll burn the fucking tent down. If they force me to play nice with the fuckers who have been robbing us we don’t NEED Dems in charge, the Republicans could have done the same fucking thing.

You know who has the majority in Congress? The CONSERVATIVES! 15ConservaDems + 40 Wingnuts = Conservative Senate

Look at the House, the only reason it isn’t as bad as the Senate is because the Bush Dogs aren’t as big of a thorn as the ConservaDems in the Senate are.

It’s like they hedged a bet that if the Dems DO win big, there’s still a way to fuck it up and slow things down.

And when you look at the WH it seems to me that the Beckerheads have it half right! Obama has power, but so does Rajm, Geithner, Summers, etc, and that dilutes what Obama does, or goes against it. Hell, Hillary, LaHood and Salazaar are all C STREETERS! That means they LIKE free market Corporatist fascism. Obama spoke to the National Prayer Breakfast in feb 09, and the NPR is a front for the family. I’m not saying Obama is a C Streeeter, but he knows who they are and he isn’t quite throwing them out in the street if you know what I mean.

So what Change did he bring, other than the two teams are now defending different goal posts? Seems like a lot of the shit is still very much the same.

Class War! You didn’t think we were Winning, Did you?

hell, we’re worse off than EVER, just proles, not even outer party members!

Rant over

Man, I need to smoke a joint . . . .

Something to consider…

This is original to docudharma.

Obama’s on our side, right?

Well, let’s consider.

Overnight Caption Contest

Obama lies again about Iran’s nuclear program.

And the lies just keep on coming.  When Iran announced the existence of its second nuclear site, something the U.S. has apparently known about for years, Barack Obama once again followed Bush-Cheney policy by lying about Iran’s nuclear activities.

Obama joined the leaders of Britain and France in accusing the Islamic republic of clandestinely building an underground plant to make nuclear fuel that could be used to build an atomic bomb. Iranian officials acknowledged the facility but insisted it had been reported to nuclear authorities as required.

Obama should try reading intelligence reports, like 2007’s National Intelligence Estimate (the combined consensus report by all sixteen known U.S. intelligence agencies), which stated quite clearly that there is no concrete evidence of a weapons program in Iran.  In July and August of this year, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed the lack of evidence although it refuses to state anything definitively.  Yet still Obama, the D.C. political establishment, and the corporate media continue to lie to the contrary.

We’ve already been lied into one failed war, lied into ramping up another failed war, are so hurting for fresh soldiers that the Pentagon is now actively accepting white supremacists, yet still the establishment seeks to lie us into another conflict.

For THIS we elected a Democrat to the presidency?


This is original to docudharma.

And so we have another general begging to send more troops to a foreign war.  Apparently McCrystal doesn’t think we can finish the job with what we have there.  All well and good, I suppose.  I can’t imagine many generals not wanting more troops when their war isn’t going swimmingly.

Is Obama Stupid or the weakest President Ever?

Another stunning about face today from the NYT:

(after proclaiming ‘no more settlements)

Obama Pivots in His in Mideast Peace Bid


President Obama is largely setting aside his demand for a full freeze on settlements in the West Bank.

And yesterday another one :

(after already expanding the war, adding 17,000 troops)

Obama Considers Strategy Shift in Afghan War


Published: September 22, 2009

WASHINGTON – President Obama is exploring alternatives to a major troop increase in Afghanistan, including a plan advocated by Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to scale back American forces and focus more on rooting out Al Qaeda there and in Pakistan, officials said Tuesday.

June 4th:

(after promising no mandates in the campaign)

Obama Open to a Mandate on Health Insurance


Published: June 3, 2009

WASHINGTON – President Obama said Wednesday that he was receptive to Congressional proposals that would require Americans to have health insurance and oblige employers to share in the cost. But he said there should be exemptions for people who cannot afford insurance and for small businesses in general.

Obama: ‘Nobody’ Considers Health Care Mandate a Tax Increase


Anti-War Activists Disappointed With Obama’s Iraq Withdrawal Plan

President Obama’s plan will take three months longer than he promised on the campaign trail and will leave a residual force of between 35,000 and 50,000 troops, which many Democrats say is too many.

I could go on and on.   The ‘exchange’ is actually the McCain ‘plan’ which he argued against.  

Crazy, delusional, Stupid?  

Robert Greenwald, of Brave New Films, comes through AGAIN!

As you know, WE’ve been screaming and yelling for over eight years now and we’ve been heard, WE’ve simply been ignored.  On ALL of the issues of UTMOST importance, we have lost, i.e., the many anti-war movements and marches, the multitudinous efforts to have Bush and Cheney Impeached, thwarted by Ms. Pelosi (Impeachment would be “too divisive”), and the ensuing ills that were foisted upon us thereafter — AFTER taking Impeachment “off the table.”  Well, I think everyone knows the issues we have fought on.  We have fought endlessly for investigations and prosecutions of our “war criminals.”  And now, we are seeing a “limited investigation.”*  There are endless efforts to “expand” the wars the aggressions and the funding thereby.  This, of course, pertains to our International failings.

On a domestic level, I consider the healthcare reform issue as large an issue, as the International issues.  To me, both of these International and domestic issues are a “symbol” of our nation and how we are defined and the direction we are headed.  We are DEFINITELY at a pivotal point in our history as to WHO we are as a nation. It’s not looking good — more closely related to “3rd world country.”

Somehow, I almost feel like the “healthcare issue” will be our FINAL defining point of us, as a people, and the epitome of our direction, as a country. WHY?  Because if we cannot FINALLY (after so many years, and way long after so many other nations), decide on the importance of US, as plain, ordinary human beings and AMERICANS, then, I truly believe this will be our final “signal” as to a nation lost to fascism, or whatever you wish to call it.  

So, can we reverse the “trend” of the healthcare situation?  Well, if ALL of us DO NOT FIGHT LIKE HELL, we will “lose” again.  It’s your choice!  We NEED to be supportive of those “groups” who are genuinely supportive of us!

And, so, here is the sign-up to help support Brave New Films, in so many ways!

This effort, and Mad As Hell Doctors (reporting regularly) are worth our efforts!  DO SOMETHING!!!!


The Truth Behind Public Option

Time to Get to Work

Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich explains what a public option for healthcare coverage really means for working people.

We thank Jacob Kornbluth for directing and producing the Robert Reich interview portion of this piece.

We can’t let the insurance companies decide who gets care and who doesn’t.

Pass it on to everyone you know.

Then contribute to Brave New Films so we can continue to get the word out on the real truth behind public option.

Also see: The video expose on Stephen Hemsley, CEO of UnitedHealth Group>

Learn more about the insurance company CEOs [Just looking as these faces is enough to get you ill.]  

My instincts are speaking loud and clear — I hope yours are, too!

* (I hope that this limited investigation will not “run out the statute” (our national one) for those detainees still “alive,” as that particular statute will run out soon.  I need to check on that, as I don’t know how this particular investigation affects that issue, but it’s something to consider.  Yes, the investigation of the “dead by torture” is a war crime punishable by death and a good one to pursue, but the “dead” can’t speak on their own behalf.  

THIS was intended to be a response to buhdy’s “Progressive Caucus Becomes a Political Force “

but, my response became so longgg, I decided to post it, instead.

Yesterday — in a late posting in buhdy’s thread, I stated some afterthoughts — see here, as well as having expressed some thoughts earlier here.

I called nine Congressional reps, basically, to see where they were at on single-payer [deliberately] and a “what if” there is no public option — and I stated how I felt about the WHOLE thing and what, I assumed, were the sentiments of not just me, but many, many Americans.  The true, true, “progressives” were unabashed at stating their positions, i.e., would not vote for any bill without a strong public option and, in addition, are strongly in support of H.R. 676 (Conyers & Kucinich single-payer plan).  Then, there were those that simply wanted to wait until they heard what Obama had to say, some even saying they’d go “his way,” and, then, there were those who stated they wanted a “strong public option” but would not commit to a “what if.”  One or two were not “progressives,” as I was trying to get a kind of “sampling,” so to speak.  (FYI, calls I made were to Congresspersons, Jackson (IL), Rush (IL), Markey, Matsui, Thompson, Davis (IL), Wexler (FL), Schakowsky (IL) and I kept notes.)

Please note:  That in my approach to these “critters,” I simply stated that I wanted to know the view of the Congressman on this and that — after I heard whatever I heard is when I laid out my sentiments and facts.  

Please note, too: I think there may be some in the Progressive Caucus who merely want to “appear” as being progressive, but not much stronger than a regular Dem.

So, thanks, budhy, for bringing this up — I REALLY THINK IT IS ENTIRELY UP TO US.  And I think the “Mad as Hell Doctors” are leading US into a good thing, as well — they have launched and are now reporting.  They are receiving around 500 or more visitors at each place they’ve stopped at so far — and that’s only about three right now, and they’re receiving very good newspaper coverage.

I think we all know that the healthcare reform is a “pivotal” point in our society and it’s history.  So far, I would imagine we are a laughing stock among those Western industrialized nations who have had government healthcare for many, many years — but, I would imagine that they cry for us at the same time.  I’m sure it’s very hard for them to imagine a society so calloused as to let people DIE, literally, for want of no healthcare coverage, or being cut off for being VERY ill.

Reflecting! I think it’s this kind of social lack of morality in our society that is the core reason for the basic unhappiness (and illness) in Americans, despite all their material goods that they may have — feeling never satisfied.  And, of course, now most of us are down to the basics of life.  But it’s that “lack” socially that also creates numerous illnesses, not just physical:  rampant crime from the top on down, an indescribable “aching” in our hearts, which, in turn, creates “illness” and a kind of “senselessness” created thereby, IOW, if you run out of money, you’re the same as dead.  Having to be watchful of what our government does with our monies and our wishes also contributes to varying types of illnesses.  These are the kinds of things that “gnaw” at us as human beings/Americans.  All of these sub-conscience “workings” play havoc with us.  We do not have happy lives, despite our “trappings.” Americans have even reached the point that they’re afraid to take “real” vacations, and most only taking a few days here or there.  Why?  Fear of losing their jobs!  Fear of depleting what little money they may have garnered and so on.  Sad, sad, sad.  So, I think each of us try to find little “tiny” ways to carve out a measure of “happiness” — that which no one can take away from us.

Where is the LOVE?

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