Tag: Bush Administration

Liberal Media Bias? Are we REALLY getting ready to attack Iran?

The Peoples Republic of CNN reports today that the Bush Administration is running a whole lot of covert operations inside Iran in order to prepare the battlefield for an attack against their nuclear facilities while really trying to make trouble for the current regime in Iran.  

My guess is that the real reasoning has nothing at all to do with nuclear anything, but has much more to do with the fact that the current regime in Iran isn’t very friendly to Exxon-Mobil, British Petroleum, Shell Oil, etc, etc.  I think that the entire situation emanating from BushCo regarding Iran is all about regime change due to oil.  The continuation of the War On Terror For Oil, if you will.

Hey, call me silly, but it could be true!  ðŸ˜‰

FED / BushCo – I swear to GOD, the economy is pretty good!


You are going to fall off your chair, spit your coffee on your screen, tear out your hair or maybe just go sit in a corner and blubber a bit once you read this. By going forward, you have to sign a contract saying you won’t sue me or send big mean people over to beat my ass for being the messenger for the audacity of the lying liars that comes after.

Your Name_________________________________________________

Ok, if you have signed, you may read on.

Guess what our buddies at the Fed are saying just now?  Food, medical, gasoline, legal and illegal drugs; everything you purchase right now is more expensive by an incredible amount that it was just a year ago.  6 months ago.  In the case of gasoline, Yesterday.

BushCo’s purposeful Economic Blunders – The Hits just Keep On Coming!

Each and every day we read or hear something new from our favorite News sources about how the economy isn’t doing so great.  In fact we are either in a recession or about to go into a recession or something.

I’m here to tell you, people


I hope that was loud enough to hear in the room next to your computer, because it cannot be said loudly enough until EVERYONE gets with the program and really understands what 7 plus years of “Neo-Con-tax-middle-class-into-oblivion-while-sending-jobs-overseas-so-corporations-can-profit” economic genius has produced.

The trickle down theory is working!  Only the liquid trickling down your leg is from a Neo-Con 1%’er pissing on you once again.  Well, at least it is working for the 1% of the richest Americans, anyway.

Check this out.

With Liberty And Justice For All: US Secret Prisons, Then and Now: 2001-2005, 2008

Crossposted from ePluribus Media.


My country ’tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing…


What happens when the checks and balances of our government are compromised, and justice is undermined?

What happens when the most criminally corrupt group of criminals rule with nearly complete control of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government for nearly two full Administrations, and the media fails to oppose, to challenge and to expose them?

Criminal malfeasance. Negligence. Dereliction of duty. Failure — multiple failures: failure to uphold the law, failure to act, failure to uphold the duty and responsibility of office.

Actively undermining the just due process of the law and Constitution. Actively interfering with the proper operation of government.

War crimes.

Eight years of crimes, unaccountable to anyone and protected by the entire Republican party — and Joe Lieberman.

UPDATED. Revelations of intelligence on Syria / North Korea Nuclear facililty questioned.

The timing of the release of intelligence regarding the link between North Korea and Syria over an alleged nuclear reactor facility that the Israeli’s bombed inside Syria is being questioned by the international community.  

Of course, rightly so because of where the intelligence information is coming from.  The Bush Administration.  Not the most trustworthy group of people on the world stage today, I think we can all agree.

From BBC:

The US has made explicit allegations that the target hit by Israeli warplanes in Syria last September was a nuclear reactor under construction.

It was being built with help from North Korea, the Bush administration said.

But the White House statement – after a series of intelligence briefings on Capitol Hill – raises many questions.

As does the decision to go public just as international talks to try to roll back North Korea’s nuclear weapons programme have hit a critical stage.

David Petraeus to be sent before US Senate for Central Command confirmation

Being a “YES” man in the Bush Administration, as we all know, certainly can get you some sweet positions in the Government, IF you go along with the lies, deceipt and spin of the Neo-Con elite.

If you manage to really push their unsavory agenda, it can get you the top job, no matter your qualifications (see Gonzales, ALBERTO).

When Admiral James Fallon was asked to be the head of CENTCOM, the Bush Administration put a career Navy man in charge of the entire U.S. Central Command.  When Admiral Fallon was found by the Neo-Con elite to have a mind of his own, he was on the outs with the good-ol-boys club and found the situation so untenable that he resigned in March of this year.

This JUST IN from AP:

Petraeus picked to lead Mideast command

Ray Odierno to replace him as head of U.S.’s military operations in Iraq

I’m Not Bitter – I’m Outraged

Any more the bad news comes like the steady downpour of the tropical monsoon.

There is no time to catch one’s breath.

There is no pause to absorb the outrages of the day, no interlude to break the tragedies into digestible chunks, no relief for the overwhelmed between the vicious punches to the gut, the finger jabs to the eyes, the thunder kicks to the groin.



I haven’t put together a video to song in awhile, than I came across “Lock Them Up”

The song in video is by ‘Nam Veteran Pat Scanlon brother member of Vietnam Veterans Against The War and Veterans For Peace.

Citizen’s Arrest

Citizen’s Arrest – Andy Griffith Show

White House Seeks New Power to Keep Markets Stable

From The New York Times: White House to Seek New U.S. Power to Keep Markets Stable

The Bush administration will propose on Monday that Congress give the Federal Reserve broad authority to oversee financial market stability, in effect allowing it to send SWAT teams into any corner of the industry or any institution that might pose a risk to the overall system.

The proposal is part of a sweeping blueprint to overhaul the country’s hodge-podge of regulatory agencies, which many specialists say failed to recognize rampant excesses in mortgage lending until after they triggered what is now the worst financial calamity in decades.

I think this is precisely what Naomi Klein warned about in her book, The Shock Doctrine. I suspect the Bush administration is going to try to use the shock of the collapsing economy to quickly deregulate the entire economy to make it easier to loot.

Your RFID-Chipped Passport Is Made In Thailand and China ‘Stole’ the Chip Tech

Remember this?

Back in September 2006, Bruce Schneier wrote about the The ID Chip You Don’t Want in Your Passport in the Washington Post:

If you have a passport, now is the time to renew it — even if it’s not set to expire anytime soon. If you don’t have a passport and think you might need one, now is the time to get it. In many countries, including the United States, passports will soon be equipped with RFID chips. And you don’t want one of these chips in your passport…

RFID chips don’t have to be plugged in to a reader to operate…

The risk to you is the possibility of surreptitious access: …


Bush administration touts tax rebates at your expense (of course)!

Well, here is another GREAT idea from the Bush Administration.  They are going to be sending out letters through the IRS to Americans to remind them of the tax rebates that will begin being mailed in May of this year.  

It will only cost $42 million of our tax dollars to send these little love letters!  Just a drop in the bucket in BushWorld.

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