Palin’s husband is called “First Dude” for a reason: He “confers with Cabinet officials” (h/t MindRayge), receives the governor’s emails, uses the governor’s office to discuss government business or policies with state officials, attends governor’s meetings and operates as a conduit for lobbyists. While First Dude is not a state employee, Palin surrounds him with the trappings of executive office which creates the perception that his actions are cloaked with executive authority. Use First Dude to conduct meetings with state officials in the governor’s office, and then claim no abuse of power because he is speaking solely as an individual. Send First Dude on a chartered junket by mining companies negotiating with Palin. The problem is government officials have legal and ethical responsibilities not required of private citizens. The continual hat changing from personal hubby to de facto executive allows Palin to evade complying with laws regulating conduct or transactions by First Dude on her behalf, thus allowing Palin to evade compliance with the law.