Disclaimer: Once again I beg your indulgence for posting a diary such as this during a time of momentous events. It is neither overtly political nor topical. It is however a true story of life in these United States and I offer it here for those of us who could use the diversion. With respect to topical matters I have only this to say: the ‘bailout deal’ is another Republican rip-off, hold the responsible accountable, and ensure that the American people are the primary beneficiaries of any deal. At this point I am inclined to say let there be no bailout at all. Let the market that the fat cats have worshiped be their master. That philosophical note being made, I think the chances of the American people getting what is best for them out of this situation are, regrettably, slim to none.
There was an overwhelming response to Part I of this series. The community was very kind and I was deeply touched. Thank you all for that.
There were only a couple of comments that were perhaps less than kind – but they had their own merits I suppose. One person asked the name of the guy who was killed and asked if he was just a statistic to me. I thought it inappropriate to respond at the time, but after mulling it over I now think I should.