The music is easy music but the underlying motivation for having posted it is one of great unease.
JeffLieber opined on DD that it is our own fault we have no influence on government.
THEY are avoiding us because they simply do not think that we — the FAR LEFT — can be reasoned with.
THEY believe, and somewhat rightly so, that we are much more interested in clinging to our self-righteous fury then in being able to manage our disappointments and seeking compromise so they show up when its time for the cash or the grass-roots jolt of energy and then disappear when it comes time to legislate.
THEY believe we are the extremists, no more “reality based” than those at Little Green Footfungus because every slight seems to wipe away YEARS of good governance on issues we care about.
I will counter below, as OPOL did brilliantly in his own counter-essay. I’ll let his delineation of the crimes stand. He said it perfectly, and spoke for me on that account.
We have to deal with these guys…and not by making nice with them. These people are dangerous. Our laws are meant to protect us from people like this, and we need to see that they do. This is no time to look the other way.
Do I want truth and reconciliation? No sir! I want trials and convictions. We can talk about reconciliation after we’ve settled a few accountability issues. How about someone taking responsibility for a change?
The video will tell you I’m not ready to make nice either.