We may have fallen rapidly behind many as to our once vibrant and envied economy, workforce, innovations, advancing forward and much more, we were envied for, but we still are leading or on par for much of the ideologies an ACORN and NGO type communities bring forth and spread to the World Communities. These are now probably the only really important thing’s many don’t now either hate us for or are turning their backs on us for the many other issues and policies!
Mar 27 2011
ACORN Rising Internationally
May 14 2010
From An Eighth Grade Education To Testifying Before Congress
Too many of us hold back from community involvement because we think we don’t know enough to act on our beliefs, or don’t have the standing or confidence to take a public stand. When we see a woman who begins with no money, no power, no education and no status in the community, and then becomes a powerful voice for change, it should inspire us all.
Virginia Ramirez, of San Antonio, Texas, could easily have lived out her days without ever discovering her ability to speak out. She left school after eighth grade to get married. “That was what most Hispanic women in my generation did. My husband, who drives a taxicab, went to work after sixth grade.” Although dropping out seemed normal at the time, she felt frustrated when she couldn’t help her five children with their homework.
When Virginia was forty-five, she realized that an elderly neighbor was getting sick every winter. The neighbor was a widow who lived in a house so dilapidated that it couldn’t retain heat. “She was one of those people who always paid her taxes on time, always faithfully making out her little money orders. But she couldn’t afford to repair her house, and everyone around here was just as poor. So I went with her to city agencies trying to get help. They kept sending us from place to place, from department to department. Finally she died of pneumonia. The paramedics said she’d never have died if her house hadn’t been so freezing cold.
“I’d never been so angry in my life,” Virginia recalls. “This woman had done everything she was supposed to, and now she was dead because no one could help her fix her house. Someone said there’s this community organization called COPS, and maybe they could help.”
Oct 22 2009
Grayson SCHOOLS Paul Broun on Constitution. He will NOT yield! (Update: Now with even more EPIC WIN
Crossposted at Daily Kos
This guy is a TRUTH MACHINE!
This is another absolute beaut from the CongressmanWithGUTS, Alan Grayson (BIG D-FL08).
In a hearing on the Republican Witch Hunt over ACORN (pardon to any witches), Alan Grayson SCHOOLS the Republicans on the committee and achieved classic EPIC WIN!
A partial transcript and more below the fold.
Oct 09 2009
CENSORED: Glenn Beck’s Exposé On Murdoch’s China Connection
When a courageous speaker of truth emerges from the forest of lies that is modern media, the risk is ever present that censorship, suppression, or worse could occur. Sadly, that is the case today. Glenn Beck produced an episode of his program that continued his valiant search for communists burrowing into the woodwork of America like subversive termites eating away at the foundation of our national home. However, this episode has mysteriously disappeared. Fortunately, I have acquired a transcript (h/t Esquire) of the “Lost Episode” that reveals perhaps the most insidious enemy of freedom yet unveiled by Beck.
Sep 30 2009
Right to target SEIU in war against ACORN
The Congressional Democrats’ stampede to join Republican efforts to defund ACORN was stupid on many levels, as Paul Rosenberg explained in this post. Among other things, Rosenberg argued, Democrats empowered and validated the GOP’s strategy of demonization. They may have thought cutting off ACORN’s funding would cause Republicans to stop exploiting the issue, but of course, the opposite is true.
Sep 28 2009
The Week in Editorial Cartoons – International and Domestic Wingnuts
Crossposted from Daily Kos
This weekly diary takes a look at the past week’s important news stories from the perspective of our leading editorial cartoonists (including a few foreign ones) with analysis and commentary added in by me.
When evaluating a cartoon, ask yourself these questions:
1. Does a cartoon add to my existing knowledge base and help crystallize my thinking about the issue depicted?
2. Does the cartoonist have any obvious biases that distort reality?
3. Is the cartoonist reflecting prevailing public opinion or trying to shape it?The answers will help determine the effectiveness of the cartoonist’s message.
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Mahmoud, Hugo, and Muammar… Meet Rush, Glenn, and Sean
Pat Bagley, Salt Lake Tribune
Sep 28 2009
Grayson pulls “Corporate Death Penalty” card! If ACORN goes down ALL Crook Contractors go down too
Crossposted at Daily Kos
“Death Panels” ain’t got nothing on this!
How can you be for the Death Penalty and be against the “Corporate Death Penalty”?
ACORN was smeared to death, and that sucks. So, how do we make the best of it?
If ACORN must go, the rest of all the Bush Era Crooked Contractors you know and loathe will just have to go too.
On Friday (Spet 25th), Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) inserted into the “legislative history” language spelling out that including all fraudulent organizations was, in fact, the intent of the Congress.
“The bill imposes, and is intended to impose, a corporate death penalty on contractors who fall within the scope of its prohibitions.”
Bold and Italics added by diarist
What’s good for the goose, or, in this case, nut.
More political judo below the fold.
Sep 27 2009
The pure hypocrisy of our pols on Acorn
Jeremy Scahill is, to my mind, the finest journalist working today. There are very few real journalists left, I could probably count them on one hand, and Scahill is simply on fire.
I wanted to share his latest, from his website where he simply destroys the whole notion of ACORN being any kind of a real scandal.
Here is the jist of his article:
How could any sane person put even the wildest allegations against ACORN up against the systematic misconduct and criminality of war corporations and gigantic multi-nationals?
This, considering the way the media has covered this, the way our politicians have such a terrible, palpable fear of any real Democracy that they all, including our complicit Democrats, have decided that Acorn is the real enemy and worthy of being punished, to the point where they are trying to pass legislation called “The Defund Acorn Act”.
If you just put ACORN up against Blackwater, the charges are absolutely ludicrous. Acorn received $53 million over 15 years, most of which went to support housing for low-income people. Blackwater has received over a BILLION in government contracts in the last few.
And check this out:
The GOP smear machine tries to link ACORN to prostitution. Beyond the hypocrisy of Republicans denouncing prostitutes (long history of using them), do they really want talk of prostitution? One former Blackwater employee recently stated in a sworn declaration that Blackwater owner Erik Prince “failed to stop the ongoing use of prostitutes, including child prostitutes, by his men.” Another former employee described “having young girls provide oral sex to Enterprise members in the ‘Blackwater Man Camp’ (in Iraq) in exchange for one American dollar.” (PDF links to these affidavits are here) Even if ACORN did provide inappropriate tax advice to a prostitute, is that really on the same level as this conduct being conducted on a huge US government contract? If you think these are just the allegations of disgruntled employees, read the Justice Department’s perspective on Blackwater’s crimes and how its men “specifically intended to kill” Iraqi civilians as “payback for 9/11.”
As Scahill notes in his previous work on the website, Where is the “Defund Blackwater Act”? Where, indeed? Supposedly Democratic and supposedly liberal and supposedly “for the people” Barack Hussein Obama has decided to keep using Blackwater until, well, god only knows how long. Yet what do we hear about in the press? How bad and terrible and corrupt Acorn is.
Nobody talks about defunding the real criminals, others of which are mentioned here:
Beyond the question of innocent until proven guilty, these questions must be asked of Democratic lawmakers who support this punitive legislation against ACORN: Where is your legislation to defund the companies whose men are indicted by actual, real life prosecutors for manslaughter; who are accused by the IRS of tax fraud and whose North Carolina compound has been raided by the ATF for possessing unauthorized, automatic weapons? What about the move to defund KBR, which has provided polluted drinking water to US troops and installed faulty electrical wiring that has resulted in the electrocution deaths of US soldiers? What about the move to defund the massive US-funded mercenary force DynCorp in Iraq, Colombia and Afghanistan? A company whistleblower alleged that in Bosnia he “witnessed coworkers and supervisors literally buying and selling women for their own personal enjoyment, and employees would brag about the various ages and talents of the individual slaves they had purchased.” What about defunding Armor Group, which employed security guards at the US embassy in Kabul who were throwing fraternity-style parties, complete with disgusting hazing of new recruits in the form of alcohol shots off of butt cracks and the fondling of genitals?
You really just need to read the whole thing. I can’t possibly do it justice in lame attempts to paraphrase. And read the rest of his stuff, too, give his site a visit. He’s amazing. We need hundreds of Jeremy Scahills in the world, sadly there is just one.
Sep 24 2009
North Carolina ACORN, or Anywhere USA
This is coming out of McClatchy today and has been reported on the local News programs this morning, the latter leaving out some finer points.
North Carolina ACORN branch feels impact from national scandal
North Carolina’s ACORN office has had to lay off all eight of its employees in the wake of a scandal that has rocked the national office of the grass-roots organizing group….>>>
Sep 18 2009
ACORN: The Militant Negro Bogeyman
That damned anti-Semite Jimmy Carter has taken some time out from his Jew baiting to join the Communist conspiracy by enlisting as a propagandist in the militant nigger forces who will rip babies from their mother’s wombs, gas granny and indoctrinate the nation’s youth into the evil Marxist mind warp….oh and they’ll take yer guns too. Former President Carter, screech the drooling peckerwood Beckers, Birthers, Deathers and Dumbasses is a race traitor, a hemmoroid according to the Grand Poobah of white populist propaganda who should know a thing or two about such things after an pesky anal cyst kept him out of the military. The latest fusillade from the fascist fifth column, a gaggle of pissy crybabies playing the victimhood card for the millionth or so time involves the hated activist organization ACORN that long ago became codespeak in true RepubliKKKan fashion for NIGGERS. The outcry is deafening over the latest manufactured scandal involving ACORN, a suspicious sting operation designed to manufacture outrage over an attempt to convert a house into a brothel. Gotta love the indignant wailing of the GOPiggies, a dangerous anti-American political thug organization that still boasts an influential Senator, one David Vitter of Louisiana whose weird diaper fetish led him to employ prostitutes including the conveniently suicided D.C. Madame. The irony is so thick that you can choke on it, that is if you aren’t choking back the vomit over this latest outburst of reverse racism.
Aug 10 2009
Obama is a monkey/nazi says Lobbyists behind teabagger movement
Crossposted at Daily Kos
Seriously, these are the grassrootsy guys.
The plaster the founding fathers and claim 1st amerndment rights. The problem isn’t their first Amendment rights, but how they use these images to influence the easily deceived to act against their own interests and in favor of special interests.
Free speech is not a problem until special interests try to buy up yours.
Meet the kings of phony astroturfed protest groups opposing change, reform, President Obama and whatever else you got except free market ideology and cutting taxes (for the rich).
How do Joe The Plumber, racism, Republicans, Nazis, Ron Paul supporters, NWO CT theorists, ACORN CT theories, teabaggers, Oil industry insiders, free market advocates and health care opponents all tie in together?
No. Only professionals are capable of this sort of co-ordination.
The stupidity is just icing on the home made Entenmann’s cake.
Much more on this below the fold.
Aug 09 2009
Town Hall Recap NY-20: I have met the wingnuts, they are very scared and dumb as hell
Crossposted at [http://www.dailykos.com/story/2009/8/9/151935/4860 Daily Kos}
Change Vs NOOOO!!!
This is my personal account of Saturday’s town hall with Representative Scott Murphy.
I have met the wingnuts and looked into their eyes, and they are very scared, badly misinformed, angry, and dumb as hell.
Early on the screamers tried to troll out the event. Representative Scott Murphy (D-NY20) answered back with a line that sums up the whole argument when he said
“When we are done people can tell me what they hate.”
I have broken this diary up into four sections, including a breakdown of Congressmen Murphy’s conversations with the public and his stance on Health Care reform, as well as pictures from the event, the lobbyists role in all of this, and a statement on the need to throw bipartisanship overboard from now on.
Having engaged the GOP base firsthand, I can easily state that these are the dumbest people in the country.