Tag: Cheers and Jeers

You can save C&J, or you can scroll the page

The netroots are buzzing… A fundraiser is in the works to endow a chair keyboard for The Snarky Bard of Daily Kos, Bill in Portland Maine.

When Bill lost his day job, it seemed certain the netroots would lose ‘Cheers and Jeers,’ that riotous virtual kiddie pool of the intertubes… Farewell to pooties and poochies and rum and cokes and all the snarky goodness that made life in Bushworld slightly more tolerable.

But all is not lost.
Sitting on the rec list at DKos,there’s a diary that leads to the paypal links for donations that will keep BiPM chained to his laptop for as long as we need him.

Give early, give often. Give peas a chance.

Somewhere in Portland Maine, a cabana boy will be smiling.