Tag: Dennis Kucinich

Liveblog of the Kucinich Town Hall on a Constitutional Convention at 9 PM Eastern!

We’ll be live blogging the Town Hall meeting at 9 PM EST (6 Pacific).

Advancing the Cause of Civilization

Most thoughtful people would agree that we have an obligation to advance the cause of civilization.  We owe it to our children, our grandchildren, and to posterity.  We are not only stewards of the earth, as are all human beings, but we Americans are also stewards of the original American vision as established in 1776.  Remember the cause of liberty?


Kucinich: New Constitutional Convention Initiative Town Hall Meeting w/poll

In an e-mail to his campaign list, the Kucinich campaign offere us a Town Hall meeting on a Constitutional Convention:

Dennis Kucinich Weekly Update…and more! w/poll

After a fascinating week where Dennis took on not only Vice President Cheney, but the Democratic leadership in the House as well, here’s Dennis’ weekly update:

DOD authorization and you: What the hell is Congress up to? w/poll

The DOD authorization is HR 1585.  If you wish to read it, it’s there in all of it’s congressional glory, all bloated and striving to allow the military to be used here in the US.

It’s Time For Profound Change in America

An America that tortures is not my America.

An America that denies healthcare to its citizens is not my America.

An America run by amoral corporations and corrupt politicians for the exclusive benefit of the few at the expense of the many is not my America.

An America that drops bombs on innocent babes, fabricates elaborate lies to cheat, steal and justify bogus wars of aggression is not my America.


Impeachment: Dennis Kucinich on Democracy Now This Morning w/poll

Dennis, riding high from his movement on impeachment and also for the Democracy for America Pulse Poll victory, appeared on Democracy Now this morning with Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez.

Impeachment news: Rep. Wexler to push for Impeachment, plus more!

Via Bradblog.com, Rep. Wexler has sent out a letter to call the HJC to hold hearings on impeachment:

Kucinich Today: What Did You Expect? (!) w/poll

In a party desprately in need of a hero, we now know who that hero is.  Of course, some of us knew who that hero was all along.  Some of us have paid attention to what the man has been saying, what he has stood for and what he means to do in the future.

Pony Party: Music to prepare for impeachment! :) w/poll!

Tomorrow’s the day!  YAY!  We get to see which House members are willing to stand up for the Constituion, and which ones we should primary!

Strength Through Peace: Kucinich at the AAI National Leadership Conference w/poll

We have a choice.  We can live with our current doctrine of Peace Through Strength, which has much of the world hating the actions of our government.  We can live with our government fighting a war where 3500+ of our servicemembers have died, and over 1000000 Iraqi civilians have died.  We can live in a world where our troops are spread out over the world to protect our ‘national interests.’  Or, we can live in a world where we are a nation amongst many.  A world where we sit down and figure out what our interests are and how we can help them coincide with the intests of the people of the world.  We can live in a world where we don’t go to war at the drop of a hat.  We can live in a world where our doctrine is Strength Through Peace, where we work with the world, not dictate to it.

Kucinich Lends Hand To Manufacturing Workers

Via the Philadelphia Bulletin by Joe Murray: http://www.thebullet…

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