Tag: writing


Although I had lived, and hiked, and backpacked in the Southwest for twenty or so years, encounters with rattlesnakes were pretty rare. If one sees snakes at all, they’re usually stretched across a trail or road.  I had sure never encountered one where it posed a problem, like crawling into someones sleeping bag. The closest anyone I knew ever came was when I was hiking with my nephew, he once sat on a large large rock that had a rattler underneath.  When it rattled, he moved.  This is generally considered appropriate behavior.  He might have been maybe a little too excited,  and ran much farther than he needed to, but the move-away–leave-it-alone strategy is all one really needs to do in most cases.  The people that do get bitten are usually young, drunk, and male.  

Most people in rural areas with great hideouts like barns and woodpiles, will usually handle rattlesnake encounters with matter-of-fact blowing them away with a shotgun.

I somehow got a job at a nature sanctuary near a small town and moved there from Tucson.  I had been a volunteer for a few years and Jerry, the manager, finally had the funding to hire some help.   Meetings with rattlesnakes increased.

This is a test this is only a test

Was it due to human error?


….LET GO OF ALL BELONGINGS….there is no stage

…LET GO OF SELF>>>>>you are on stage

straight form follows function theology leads one straight off a clifff

(sic) erased….scratched out…denied presentation…dis

order your belief crisis Hemingway

drunk and thunk again again again

old man turns away afraid

then sees money in your hand

his eyes apologize

cold skinny fingers take it gingerly

Sleepy Sunday Mornin’ Scribblings–NaNoWriMo

Sunday Morning…

I’m still trying to wake up. And I have a large cup of coffee sitting next to me.

Did I mention that the coffee cup is large? It’s big. And filled to the top with the brown stuff that should help me wake up.

Though as I’ve been thinking about the dream that woke me up…

Day Two–Bumpy Starts, Smooth Sailing, and the Squishy Space in Between

So there I was…staring at the computer and the White Screen of Certain Doom, when I realised that I hadn’t had any coffee yet.

Then I remembered the advice column our dear Adam B pointed to. That sent me wandering over to Jennifer Weiner’s column “So You Want to Be a Novelist.” In itself, it’s very cool to get bits and pieces of wisdom from those who’ve  made it through the vaunted gates of “The Published.”

That being said, I think that her very first words pretty much sum up what I’m feeling about this whole adventure.

Follow me down the winding path…

Day One–Embarking on the Quest for the Novel

And so it begins…

Welcome to NaNoWriMo (aka National Novel Writing Month) and Day One.

I spent a healthy chunk of the midnight hour punching out the first bits of what will hopefully be a 50,000 word novel.

And so here’s my first paragraph:

A while ago a friend told me about how he and his buddies would get together and tell outrageous combat stories. He said that the big ones always seemed to start with “So there I was”…and they’d go from there.

Lurking…Ready to Pounce: Midnight and NaNoWriMo Are Just around the Corner

It’s coming.

The kids are all done with their trick or treat candy hunt. They’ve bounced around the house for the past hour or so trying to come down off of that sugar high. You’ve stashed the remaining candy (removing some of the cooler chocolaty bits for yourself) in the closet…top shelf so they can’t reach it without your help.

It’s dark…but not stormy (hopefully) out tonight…and you can feel the vibe in your nerves…

Plot? We Don’t Need No Stinking Plot…Or Do We? (Run Up to NaNoWriMo)

Aiseirigh is the Name of the Ship. One of its various meanings is Awakening.

According to the Iron Oak community, it is also “a dramatic and surrealistic portrayal of death and reincarnation. It is a statement that the cycle of life includes death and from death there is again life.

Dramatic? Cycle of life? Going from static space to dynamic space and on to static space?

Where’ve I heard that stuff before?

Your Favorite Thing You Ever Wrote

So, the anniversary of a particular occasion in my life is coming up yet again.  And, as it does every year, it reminds me of my favorite thing I ever wrote, which appears below the fold.

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