I’m very pleased with what I see happening with consciousness on the planet right now, particularly in places like this blog. I’m equally fascinated by the questioning about whether or not we will survive beyond the predicaments which surround us.
Human beings seem to be lazy laggards to a large extent. Maybe that’s too strong; but we do seem to suffer from a form of “I’ve arrivedism”. When we get somewhere, we tend to just want to sit down in the grass, relax, and enjoy. In all honesty, many of us have been able to do that for a number of years now. From time to time, however, life comes along and prods us into the next need to grow and move. We resist; we don’t want to get up, to move on. It’s a form of that addage: “…the old swimmin’ hole in the river under the oak tree was good enuff for us…” syndrome. Actually, that sounds pretty good to me right now. But I digress.
We tend to resist change, to get up and move on. And so we don’t until we are absolutely forced to do so by a reality which has become too dangerous, too hostile, too uncomfortable, and too destructive to stay put any longer.
Today is a time when we must not, we cannot, stay put. The danger is too great. The stakes are too high. We have created structures and ways of thinking which are no longer sustainable. It is imperative that we move on, that we evolve new ways of thinking and being. And surprisingly these ways will resemble some older ways as pointed out in Opol’s wonderful essay, “We are All Related,” “Mitakuye Oayasin”.
So good old life is nudging us again, saying get up, move forward, grow, evolve.
Will we make it? Will we survive? I don’t have the answer to that. But I do know I must contribute whatever little bit and all I can to being able to say “Yes!”
Leap with me beyond the fold…