cross-posted from
(and no, not about the book though I am thinking of rereading it.)
Beginning in September, look for the launch of a new weekly column at Progressive Blue called “War & Peace.”
When I first thought about coming back with a regular column, I realized there are so many issues I care about, want to write about, that it was hard to narrow it down. While my personal passions are human rights and civil rights, international development and education, these aren’t always what get me revved up. So how to pull together all the many different topics I want to write about into a focused, coherent vein? War and Peace.
Some things fit neatly into the War theme: they are destructive, negative, usually deliberate and always get my blood boiling. Others fit into the Peace theme: positive, compassionate, progressive, and always get me to smile even in difficult subjects.
I’m still figuring out exactly which day of the week I’ll publish “War & Peace”, probably Tuesdays — do feel free to chime in. And let me know what areas you’re interested in exploring: I have a list but it’s definitely not exhaustive so pile on.