In Growing Anger in the Heartland, David Sirota writes:
A few months ago I appeared on Fox News and was told by “anchor” (hereby “cartoon character”) Greg Jarrett that “historians agree” that the New Deal exacerbated the Great Depression. It was a statement so factually inaccurate that it approached insanity.
Approached insanity? Countless Friedman Units of full moons have come and gone since Republicans and their propagandists in the corporate media approached insanity. They approached it long ago. They went past it like it was standing still and have plunged into uncharted realms of lunacy so surreal and distant from human experience that psychologists can’t even begin to describe what the fuck is going on inside their thick skulls.
Sirota discussed Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero’s recent interview on FOX and observed that Bernero:
represents the boiling anger that’s roiling the country, and made a point that needs to be hammered over and over and over again over the din of Fox News cartoon characters–how can anyone with a straight face demand blue-collar workers take huge pay and benefit cuts at a time those workers’ tax dollars are subsidizing bonuses on Wall Street? Part of the answer is that we live in a country whose ruling class is deeply insane. Hardly a day goes by when you don’t see sociopathy packaged as Serious Opinion.
A typical example of this is Chase CEO John Dimon, who derided homeowners who are getting foreclosed on and declared “we should teach the American people, you’re supposed to meet your obligations, not run from them.”
I feel obligated to tell that highly paid hypocrite to shut the fuck up. I also feel obligated to update him on the economic catastrophe he and his CEO friends on Wall Street are responsible for . . .