Tag: Politics

2016 Primaries & Caucuses + Democrats Debate

It’s the silly season and there is no escape since it the stupidity and schoolyard banality of the GOP candidates has infected the air. Today there is the Democratic caucus in Maine and Republicans hold a primary in Puerto Rico. Apparently there is a very large turn out in Maine where there are 30 delegates …

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2016 Primaries & Caucuses Without Ben

Five states are holding primaries and causes today as the leading presidential contenders, Hillary Clinton and Donald Drumpf, seek to extend their leads. On the Republican side voters are down to just four choices since retired brain surgeon Ben Carson officially suspended his campaign yesterday. Up for grabs are 155 GOP delegates in four states, …

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No More Football For Louisiana

As the GOP vulgar clown show heads to Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, and Kentucky on Saturday, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow reviews the havoc wreaked on the states of Louisiana, Kansas, and Michigan by the poor governance of their Republican governors Bobby Jindal, Sam Brownback, and Rick Snyder, respectively, and notes that these states are next in the …

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For nearly 22 minutes John Oliver, host of HBO “Last Week Tonight,” roasted GOP presidential front runner, Donald “The Vulgar Talking Yam” Trump, whose real family name is Drumpf, in a searing litany of his lies, fraudulent business deals and bigotry. Part of what was so good about it was that Oliver’s wiry amped-up style …

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Super Tuesday – Still Not Ready To Make Nice

I’m rather ambivalent about the presidential election and even more so about the primaries, especially the Democratic primary, the endless senseless debates, the social media pie fights and the press’ obsession with polling. My friend Atrios, who started me off on this blogging thing, pretty much sums up where I stand primarily: I suppose it’s …

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Time to Drub Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Out of the Democratic Party

The current chairperson of the Democratic Party, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is part of the reason Democrats are losing in congressional and state races. She exemplifies the truth in President Harry Truman’s statement that “given the choice between a republican and a democrat who acts like a republican, the voter will choose a republican every time.” DWS …

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Things That Come Back To Bite You

The Republicans, led by former and future House Speakers John “Orange Man” Boehner (R-OH) and Paul “Zombie Eyed Granny Starver” Ryan (R-WI), pushed to fast track the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement because who doesn’t love free trade. Now that the secret negotiations are over and the the full text is now available, the love affair …

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No Meetings, No Hearings, No Vote. May Not Be A Bad Strategy For The Left

The Senate Republicans appear to be once again on the road to self destruction. GOPers Commit to the ‘Three Nos’, Josh Marshal, Talking Points Memo There’s nothing really different today than what Mitch McConnell committed Republicans to only hours after Justice Scalia’s death. But we now have a formal embrace of the ‘Three Nos’: No …

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Beware of Republicans Bearing Gifts

Republican presidential candidate, Ohio Governor John Kasich, has been trying to present himself to the electorate as the reasonable, moderate choice in the GOP clown car. His stands on immigration and his acceptance of the Affordable Care Act for Ohioans are nearly the polar opposite of the stands taken by his fellow travelers. His soft …

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Another One Bites The Dust: Jeb! Exits Stage Right

The Republican Clown Car is down to five occupants after Bush scion Jeb! finished in a disastrous fourth and suspended his campaign. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) suspended his campaign Saturday after a disappointing finish in the South Carolina primary, ending a dismal presidential bid that was built to “shock and awe” his opponents …

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The Thurmond Rule Or The Constitution

No sooner had the news of Justice Antonin Scalia’s death been announced when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) let it be known that the Senate would not even consider hearings on his successor. In a swift statement designed to warn Barack Obama against even nominating a replacement, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) pledged …

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Two More Have Left the Clown Car

Two more candidates of the unholy circus of Republican contenders for the 2016 presidential nomination have left the tent. After placing a dismal sixth and getting zero delegates, New Jersey Governor Chris “Big Chicken” Christie went home last night to lick his wounds instead of heading to South Carolina. This afternoon it became official. The …

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