Tag: Trump Administration

The Russian Connection: It Doesn’t Stop – Friday Night News Dump

Trump is on his way overseas for a nine day tour that, hopefully, will exhaust him. That doesn’t mean that another shoe on the centipede hasn’t dropped. Two reports came out late this afternoon at the New York Times and Washington Post. In the Times article, Trump, not only revealed highly classified intelligence to the …

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The Russian Connection: Racing To Weekend

It was only Wednesday when we last left this unfolding saga of Donald and the Russians. It was then we were told that former FBI Director James Comey had made detailed notes about his meetings with the Donald. Comey’s associates have since revealed that Comey was uncomfortable meeting or even talking on the phone with …

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FCC Attacks Net Neutrality, Again

Three years ago, we fought the good fight to protect the internet and with a lot of the help from the good senator from Minnesota, Al Frankin, and an HBO comedian, John Oliver, we won. It was Oliver in particular and the popularity of his then new show, “Last Week Tonight,” that really woke up …

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Death and Taxes

Donald Trump really wants you to die so he can give his billionaire buddies tax cuts. The failure of the Republican lead congress to come up with a plan to kill the Affordable Care Act really put a crimp in that plan. After their bill couldn’t even make it to the House floor, Trump decided …

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The Inept Administration’s Antisemitism

You really have to work hard to be as inept as the Trump administration. Yesterday’s press conference with Sean Spicer at the helm was a prime example. In an attempt to condemn Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for attacking a village with Sarin gas, Spicer compared him to Hitler but not how you would thing and …

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The Russian Connection: Blackwater

In a recent article, the Washington Post revealed that the founder of Blackwater, a for hire mercenary group, Erik Prince, had a secret meeting in the Seychelles Islands with a Russian representative arranged by the United Arab Emerites to broker a backchannel between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The meeting took place around Jan. …

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Friday Night Massacre

Griping about his administration being undermined by Obama holdovers and some fantasy about the existence of a “deep state“, Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III has requested the immediate resignations of 46 US Attorneys, including including Preet Bharara, the United States attorney in Manhattan. The firings were a surprise — especially for Mr. Bharara, who …

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Extreme Vetting: Only If You’re Muslim

Whenever you hear the Trump administration talk about immigration you hear the term “extreme vetting.” It’s nice to know that people wishing to emigrate here are checked to make sure, as best it can be done, they aren’t coming here to do harm. So far it, it seems, “extreme vetting” only applies of you’re Muslim …

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